Description | Present: The President; Lord Cadogan; Lord Percivale; Dr Halley; Mr Gale; Mr Andrews; Mr Eames; Mr Sloane; Mr Folkes; Dr Teissier; Mr Theobald; Mr Machin
' The President represented, That whereas the Law Suit relating to Lady Sadlers Legacy was at length determined the College of Physicians having obtained a decree in Chancery in confirmation of their own and the Societies right to the House, and whereas there is not a Sufficient produce from the Rents to defray the charges which the College have been at, in carrying on the Suit, and in making the necessary repairs, he thereupon thought fit to lay before the Council the State of the accompt, That order might be given to repay the College the proportional part of the Expence due from the Society.
Which Accompt being read it appeared That the Charges on repairs and in the Law Suit etc Amounted to £374..16..7 The Rents Received amounted to £114..10..0, So that the Debt on the Estate being £260..6..7 , whereof one fifth part due from the Society being £52..1..4, it was put to the Ballot and Allowed, Whereupon it Was Ordered, That the Treasurer pay to Dr Wharton Treasurer of the College of Physicians the Said Sum of £52..1..4
Mr Professor Klingenstierna, Pere Castell, Mr Beaufin were Severally put to the Ballot and approved for Candidates.
Dr Graeme being also proposed and put to the Ballot and past in the Negative, the Council desiring to be better acquainted with his Character.
A Letter from the Reverend Mr Hales being read relating to his payments it was put to the Question wether Mr Hales shall be discharged from his Arrears and be exempted from all future payments and have his Bond delivered up which passed in the Affermative Nem: Contradicente
A Petition from Elizabeth Johnson as a relation of Dr Paget was read; Seting forth her Necessitous and Miserable condition and imploring Some charitable assistance from the Society, Whereupon a Question being put and approved by Ballot, it was Ordered That the Treasurer give the Said Elizabeth Johnson five Guineas in complyance with her petition. ' |