Description | Present: The President; Dr Teissier; Mr Gale; Mr Hadley; Mr Folkes; Mr Eams; Mr Sloane; Mr Theobald; Mr Machin
' Upon reading the Minutes of last Council relating to the Law Suit on Lady Sadlers Legacy, the President gave his Opinion that it would be of use to have a copy of the Decree lodged in the Society ; whereupon it was Ordered that Mr Frewin be directed to take out a plain Copy of the Decree without Stamps for the use of the Society.
A Question was put whether Mr George Graham Should be discharged frm making contributions to the Society, and hae liberty to take up his Bond in consideration of his Services to the Society. Which being balloted the Same was AGreed to Nem: Con:
A Question was put whether Dr Massey Should be allowed the Sum of Ten Guineas toward the discharge of his payments in consideration of his curious Instrument called an Astrolabe out of the Arundelian Collection which was presented formerly to the Society, Which being Balloted was agreed to Nem. Con.
A Question was put whether Dr Charles Stewart Shall be exempted from making up his contributions for that Time wherein he was out of England which being Balloted was agreed to Nem: Con:
A Question was put whether Dr Martyn Shall be discharged from Payments and have Liberty to take up his Bond on Account of his presents and Services to the Society, which being Balloted was agreed to Nem: Con:
The President acquainted the Council That Mr John Douglas the Surgeon had made a Proposal to give a Bond of £25 chargeable with Interest till paid in order to obtain the Benefit of the Resolutions of Council on the 3rd of February.
The consideration of which proposal was refered to the Next Council after the 1st of May.
A Letter from Sir John Shadwell was read wherein he Signifies that he was Elected Member without knowing of any Expence attending it, That he had formerly desired his Name to be Struck out of the List, And That he presumed the same had been done until he received the Circulatory Letter at which he was Surprised, and that he thereupon recons himself as not Subjected to Payments. which Letter being considered It was Resolved that he ought not to be Entirely discharged from his arrears the further consideration of which was refered to Another Council.
Ordered That Mr Hauksbee wait upon Mrs Ashley to procure a paper lodged in her hands being the late Treasurers discharge to Mr Thomas upon the Ballancing of his Accompt, the Same being demanded of the Society by Mr Thomas;s Agent.
Mr Henry Dry, Mr Patouon, Dr Boerhave and Dr Graeme were Severally put to the Ballot and approved for Candidates
The President recommended it to the consideration of the Members of the Council to think of Some proper purchase in Land, to lay out the Societies Money which is now in the Funds and in the Treasurers hands
Ordered That it be an Instruction to the Committee for inspecting the Repository to think of the properest ways and Means to repair and preserve the Rarities and to make a report of the Same to the Council
A Question was put Whether Mr De Moivre Shall be discharged from all Arrears and payments in consideration of his presents and Services, which being put to the Ballot was agreed to Nem: Con: ' |