Description | Present: The President; Sir John Evelyn; Mr Hadley; Lord Paisley; Lord Percivale; Dr Douglas; Dr Sherard; Mr Gale; Dr Rutty; Mr Machin
' Mr Hadley took the Oath as Vice President.
Erasmus Phillips Esq. and Mr Stephen Horseman were Severally put to the Ballot and approved for Candidates Nem: Contr:
Ordered that a remission of all payments for Admission Money Contribution etc be made to Mr Zollman a foreigner (lately Elected a Membre of the Society) in pursuance of the Standing Order of Council on the 4th of January 1727.
The President laid before the Council the Probat of Mr Kecks Will, relating to a Legacy left to the Society, in order to consider, in what manner the Person who is to be appointed to receive the Proffitts of the Said Legacy ought to be Elected.
The Words being read were; I give unto the President, Council, and Fellows of the Royal Society of London for the Encreasing Natural knowledge, five hundred pounds, to be by them laid out, and the profits arising, to be bestowed on Some one of the fellows, whom they Shall appoint to carry on a Foreign Correspondence.
Ordered that the Treasurer be directed to wait on Sir John Fortescue in the name of the Council and to give him a Fee for his Opinion on the Following Questions 1 Whether the Election of the Person to be appointed for Carrying on a Foreign Correspondence be in the Society or in the Council 2 Wether the Election of this Officer is to be Annual or not ' |