Description | Present: The President; Mr West; Mr Collinson; Mr Gale; Lord Paisley; Mr Paul; Mr Sloane; Sir Richard Manningham; Mr Hadley; Mr Folkes; Mr DuBois; Doctor Campbell; Doctor Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Mr Sloane desired leave to have Sir Godfrey Kneller's Portrait of Sir Hans Sloane, in order to take a copy of it: which was granted.
Mr Treasurer represented that the Bonds of Members for the loan of Manuscripts were not in due form; and that it would be proper to have new Bonds for that purpose ; which being taken into consideration :
Mr Hauksbee was ordered to procure new Bonds of the right form. And it was further ordered, that the borrowers of Manuscripts shall hereafter be at the charge of the Bond.
Upon a representation made by the President, that the perusal of the Journals would be of great Service to the Gentlemen of the Committee for inspecting the Library and Repository, it was ordered,
That each of the Gentlemen, who constantly attended the Committee, shall have the use of one of the duplicate Journals in the President's hands : which shall be delivered from time to time to such Member by name, by a special Order of Council. and particularly, that Mr Leithicullier, Mr Eames, Mr Theobald, Doctor Martyn, Mr Day, and Sir Joseph Ayloffe, shall have liberty to have each of them a Journal.
Ordered, that the Committee be summoned to meet, and that notice thereof be given at next weekly meeting.
A letter from Doctor Smith at Cambridge was read, desiring the remission of his Contributions and Arrears, in consideration of his Communications : which being taken into consideration,
It was ordered, that Dr Smith should be excused from his Arrears and future Contributions, and his Bond be delivered up.
A Letter from Mr Mac Laurin, desiring to be excused his future Contributions and Arrears, in consideration of his Communications was read : which being taken into consideration,
It was ordered, that his Bond be delivered up, and that he be excused from Arrears and Payments.
The following Bills were put to the Ballot, and ordered to e paid.
Mr Godfrey'sBill for six ounces of Phosphorus used int Doctor Froenius's Experiments, amounting to ten pounds ten shillings.
A Waterman's Bill for bringing the Apparatus to the said Experiments, amounting to ----------£1..11..06 Mr Hauksbee's Bill for money advanced to Dr Frobenius, amounting to ------- £2..11..06 Mr Newham's Bill for a Fire Engine amounting to ------£23..03..00. ' |