Description | Present: The President; Mr Sloane; Mr Collinson; Lord Cadogan; Mr Paul; Doctor Campbell; Doctor Mortimer; Mr Machin
' The Lord Cadogan was sworn of the Council.
Mr Sloane desired that notice might be taken he had returned the Society's Picture of Sir Hans Sloane, which he had borrowed for a Copy some time since.
A List of Experiments made by Doctor Desaguliers from the thirtieth of November 1730 to the 30th of November 1731, was read : and in consideration tbereof a Question being put, and carried in the Affirmative, that he should be allowed twenty pounds for his last years's Service.
It was ordered, that the said Sum of £20 ; should be paid to him.
A Letter was read from Mr Holloway, giving notice that he had ordered the Sum of ten Guineas to be paid to the Society upon the delivery of his Bond, according to an Order of Council.
Mr Hauksbee was thereupon directed to deliver up the Bond, upon the receipt of the mony.
Mr Hauksbee gave notice that Mr Ward had returned the manuscript Life of Bishop Usher, which he lately borrowed of the Society.
Doctor Stack's bill for copying the Register Books and duplicates, ending the 22nd of May 1732, and for 124 pages of Translation, amounting to £21..15..4 , was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Ordered, that the Journal Papers be bound up, so far as they are completed, suitably to the other Volumes : and that Mr Hauksbee give the proper directions therein.
The following bills were put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Theobald's bill for firewood, amounting to £2..5..00 Mr Hauksbee's bill for copying Journals and Letters £7..11..6 and for a half year's Salary, due on the 11th of Aprill 1732, £25..00..00 in all £32..11.6 And the Printers bill amounting to £5..11..08
The President recommended the consideration of a proper purchase in Land for laying out the Society's mony : and said that he heard of one at Acton, and another at Uxbridge, which are at present to be sold.
Whereupon it was ordered that Mr West be desired to take the trouble of enquiring after a proper purchase, and to give the Council his advice therein.
Ordered that the Transactions be sent to Sir Thomas Dereham, to complete his numbers from the last.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee do for the future procure another person besides himself, to witness the Bonds, which are taken for contribution of the new Members.
The President took notice that Doctor Frobenius, who had taken a great deal of pains to oblige the Society, and had been at great expences in performing his several Experiments before them, in the extractions of the Essences and Oils of Vegetables; in the dissolutions of Gold in his Phlogiston; and in exhibiting the various transmutations of the Phosphorus : but not having yet received any gratification from the Society, he thought it might be not improper to give him thirty pounds in consideration thereof, which being put to the Ballot, and agreed to :
It was ordered, that he should be paid thirty pounds upon taking a Receipt in full for his expence and trouble.
Lord Cadogan represented, that whereas frequent interruptions are given to the business of the Society by Members who ask leave for the admission of Strangers : and which ought to be done by the Statute, before the President takes the chair : he therefore moved, that for the future all such Members, who desire to introduce their friends, shall be obliged to deliver in their names, before the Society enters upon business. Which Motion being seconded by the President, and agreed to :
It was ordered, that notice hereof be given at the next meeting : and that the Statute for granting leave for Strangers to be present shall at the same time be read. ' |