Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Dr Pellet; Mr Paul; Mr Bogdani; Mr Hodgson; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Ordered, that Presses be set up at west End of the lower Room of the Repository conformable to those already set up at the east End : and that Dr Mortimer speak to the Joiner to make an estimate of the expence, and cause the same to be laid before the President and Treasurer, who are impowered to treat and agree with the workman for the same.
Ordered, that the housekeeper shall be allowed the expence of firing for the chimney in the Repository from the first of October to the last of March every year, and that he provide the same accordingly.
Ordered, that the imperfect bodies and parts of Animals found upon the Survey of the Repository, and which are entirely useless and spoiled, be thrown away ; and that the imperfect Models of Machines, and other works, be laid aside in some waste Room or Garret, till the review of the Repository be completed.
The Treasurer spoke concerning the affair of Mr Savile, the Society's late Tenant in Coleman Street ; and said that throughout his whole transaction he seems disposed to act in an arbitrary manner, without regard to any agreement of obligation : for that the things, which were affixed to the house, and which he had agreed to leave behind him upon an allowance made him of so much as by the arbitration of workmen on both Sides they should be found to amount unto, and which had accordingly been rated at thirteen pounds ; he had notwithstanding removed them out of the house without regard to the said agreement. And that whereas there was a year and a quarter's rent due at Lady Day last, the time when he delivered up the Key ; yet he refused, upon a frivolous pretence to pay the said rent, unless the Society would make an abatement of the last quarter : wherefore the Treasurer advised, that the Society's Sollicitor should write a Letter to him, by order of the Council, to signify that they do insist upoon the payment of the rent due at Lady Day ; especially since he was so unfair as to depart from his own agreement. Whereupon it was accordingly Ordered, that Mr Mortimer, the Society's Sollicitor, do draw up, and send a Letter to Mr Savile, signifying that the Council, having been made acquainted by their Treasurer of Mr Savile's Proceedings with regard to the things, which he had removed out of the house, contrary to his own Agreement, and of his refusing to pay the full rent due at Lady Day last, the time when he delivered up the Key ; the Council did thereupon think fit to order him their Sollicitor to acquaint Mr Savile, that they have come to a Resolution to make not abatement of the rent due ; but do expect that he willl forthwith pay the full rent of one year and a quarter, which was due at Lady Day last, the time when he quitted the house.
A gratuity of thirty Guineas, in consideration of Dr Mortimer's Services to the Society in extraordinary attendance for regulation and adjusting the Repository, was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid him.
A question beng put, whether Mr Eames, in consideration of his many Services to the Society, shall not be excused from contribution and arrears, if any, and have his Bond delivered up : the same being put to the Ballot was agreed to. Dr Stack's bill, amounting to £14:14:01 for Translations and transcribing the Papers was put to the Ballot, agreed to, and ordered to be paid. '