Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Mr Paul; Mr Hadley; Mr Bevan; Lord Cadogan; Mr Hodgson; Mr West; Mr Bogdani; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' A question being put to the Ballot, whether Captain Hall's disappointment, in not being ordered (as he expected) to go to Barbadoes ; under which view alone it was he became a Member, thinking thereby to become serviceable to the Society, shall not be a sufficient reason to discharge him of his Arrears : and whether upon his payment of the Sum of ten Guineas he shall not be quit of his Contributions for the future, and have his Bond delivered up to be cancelled : the same was agreed to.
A gratuity of sixty pounds was proposed to be given to each Secretary, for their Services the present year ; which was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
The Sum of twenty five pounds was proposed to be given to Dr Desaguliers, in consideration of his several Experiments performed before the Society : and the Sum of five pounds in consideration of the annuual Experiment on Sir Godfrey Copley's foundation : which Sum, in all £30:0:0 was agreed by Ballot and ordered to be paid.
Mr Hauksbee's Salary due October 11, 1734 was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Theobald's bill for firewood, being £2:18:0, was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
The Plumber's bill of £1:6:3 was agreed to and ordered to be paid.
Mr Zollman's Salary of twenty pounds was also agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Hadley, Dr Halley and Mr West were severally put to the Ballot, and elected Members of the Committee, to be joined with the President and one of the Secretaries, for auditing the Treasurer's Accompts of the present year on the part of the Council.
The Council came to a Resolution to keep to the same rule in the arrangement of the Titles of foreign Princes at the head of the printed Lists of the Society, as hath always been observed in the names and Titles of the home and foreign members : viz : according to the alphabetical Order. ' |