Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Mr Eames; Me Collinson; Mr Rand; Mr Graham; Dr Massey; Dr Stuart; Lord Carpenter; Mr Hadley; Mr Jones; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Mr Graham took the Oath, as Member of the Council.
Mr Mortimer came to represent, that the Master of the Rolls having lately confered upon him a Place, that disqualifies him from acting as an Attorney, he was thereupon obliged, after returning his thanks to the Council, to withdraw from his Office as the Society's Sollicitor.
His Services being taken into Consideration, he was ordered three Guinea's with thanks for his Care.
Mr Hauksbee represented that there was one year's Rent due this Lady Day from Mr Life the Society's Tenant at Acton : and two years Rent from Mr Staines their Tenant in Crane Court : and at the same time delivered a Letter he received from Mr STaines, wherein he promises to clear the Rent due at Lady Day 1734, at Easter, and the Rent due at Michealmass last at Midsummer ; and the Rent due this Lady Day at Michealmass next. Whereupon Mr Hauksbee received directions to call upon him accordingly.
The Treasurer rook out of the Iron Chest two South-Sea Bonds No. 1661 and 1662 of a hundred Pounds each, in order to receive the Interest ; and deposited his Note accordingly.
Notice being taken of frequent Disturbances in the Meetings of Members meeting together to talk on private matters ; directions were given to Mr Hauksbee to put the Members in mind of keeping Order, whenever it be requisite.
A List of the Members above two years in Arrear was read.
Which Arrears being taken into consideration, and it being represented that many Members have declared their Desire to be admitted to pay off and be free for the future, upon the terms formerly allowed to other Members.
It was agreed to by Ballot and resolved, that every Member, who desires to be free from Contribution, shall accordingly have his Bond delivered up to be cancelled, and shall be discharged of all Arrears, upon the payment of so much as will make up his former Contributions to the Sum of twenty five Pounds ; on condition the said payment be made to the Treasurer or his Deputy on or before Midsummer Day 1735.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee write a Letter to each Member above two years in Arrear, to acquaint him with the Society's demands upon him, and with the terms of the above Resolution.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee keep the Keys of the Drawers in the Repository in his own custody, and not intrust them to the care of a Servant ; nor suffer the Drawers to be opened to a Stranger, unless he himself or some Member of the Society be present.
Ordered that the written Copies of the Register and Letter-Books be bound up; and the Duplicates be reposited with the rest in the hands of the President.
The printer's Bill of £5:3:8 was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Dr Stack's Bill amounting to £24:2:4 was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid. ' |