Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Mr West; Mr Graham; Mr Eames; Mr Theobald; Mr Rand; Mr Hadley; Mr Collinson; Dr Massey; Mr Jones; Lord Carpenter; Dr Stuart; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' The President proposed John Hadley Esq, William Jones Esq and James West Esq for a Committee to be joined with the President and one of the Secretaries, to audit the Treasurer's Accompts on the part of the Council.
Doctor Desaguliers's Letter containing an account of the Experiments performed by him for the entertainment of the Society this last year, being read ; a Question was put, whether Dr Desaguliers shall be allowed twenty Guinea's for his Trouble and Expences in performing the said Experiments : which passing in the affirmative, the said Sum was ordered to be paid.
The Draughts of the new Statute, entered on the 27th of October last, being read a second time ; and the Question being put whether the said Draught shall pass into a Law or not : it passed in the affirmative.
Mr Tyler the Sollicitor being called in, to report his Proceedings from recovery of the Rent due from Mr Henry Stane's the Society's Tenant in Crane-Court, said that he had brought an Action against him, and that the Cause was to be brought to Trial next Term, Whereupon Directions were given to him to continue in the prosecution of the same.
Mr Hauksbee's Bill for copying the Minute Book from October 18 : 1731 to June 27 : 1734, amounting to the Sum of £12:4:0 was put to the Ballot, and being agreed to was ordered to be paid. ' |