Description | Present: The Pesident; Mr Folkes; Mr West; Dr Pearce; Mr Hodgson; Mr Gale; Mr HAdley; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' It was proposed and agreed to by Ballot, that sixty Pounds should be paid to Dr Mortimer for his Services as Secretary for the present year : which was ordered accordingly.
Mr Zollman's Salary of twwenty Pounds for the present year was agreed by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid to Dr Desaguliers the Sum of twenty Pounds for the Experiments performed this present year : and also the Sum of five Pounds for the Experiment of Sir Godfrey Copley.
Mr Folkes proposed a Thought to render Sir Godfrey Coply's Donation for an annual Experiment more beneficial than it is at present ; which was, to convert the value of it into a Medal or other honorary Prize, to be bestowed on the person where Experiment should be best approved : by which means he apprehended a laudable Emulation might be excited among Men of Genius to try their Invention, who in all probability may never be moved for the sake of Lucre. Which being debated was referred to some other Opportunity.
Dr Stack's Bill of ten Guinea's as an allowance of two Guinea's per annum for carrying on the Catalogue of the Papers, was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
The follwoing Bills were also passed by Ballot, and ordered to be paid. Mr Buce's Bill for Matts, October 20 : 1736 .....£4.17.0 A Bill for small pieces fo Glass for Boxes in the Repository, November 6 1735 £2.18.0 Mr Theobald's Bill for Wood February 13: 1735 ..... £2.5.0 Mr Noon's Bill for bood-binding June 23 . 1736 .....£3.13.6 Mr Elliots Bill for the same 1735 .....£0.14.0 Mr Hauksbee's Bill for Salary to October 11 . 1736 .....£50 .0.0
The Auditors for the Treasurer's Accompts of the present year on the part of the Council, to be joined with the President and one of the Secretaries, were proposed by the President, and approved by Ballot, viz. Martin Folkes Esq, John Hadley Esq, and Dr Edmund Halley.
The President proposed that the List of the Benefactors to the Society hung up in the meeting Room should be completed and continued down to the present time : which was ordered accordingly. ' |