Description | Present: The President, Mr West, Mr Richard Graham, Mr George Graham, Mr Paul, Dr Stuart, Lord Carpenter, Mr Folkes, Mr Rand, Mr Collinson, Mr Eames, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
' Mr West reported that he had discoursed with Mr Richardson about his taking of the House in Crane Court, and fouond that he was willing to take a Lease for seven Years, with liberty to continue it to eleven, at twenty Pounds per annum, on condition the Society make the Repairs he judged necessary, and which by the Estimate of his Workmen might amount to about ninety five Pounds.
Mr West said that he had caused an Estimate of the necessary Repairs to be taken, which he found amounted to the Sum of about sixty three Pounds : the particulars whereof he delivered in, and the same were read over. ~Whereupon it was Ordered, that the necessary Repairs shall be made: Also Ordered, that Mr West be impowered to make a Contract with Mr Richardson for taking a Lease of the House in Crane - Court.
An allowance of sixty Pounds to Mr Machin for his Service as Secretary for the year ending on the 30th November next, was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
An allowance of sixty Pounds to Dr Mortimer for his Service as Secretary for the year ending on the 30th November next, was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
The consideration of the Tables of the Names of the Benefactors to the Society and their Benefactions was resumed. And the several Lists being read over, it was agreed, that the more considerable Benefactions made to the Society in Land, Houses and Money, should be put into Tables at the present, and the consideration of the lesser Benefactions postponed to some other Time.
It was also agreed, that the Bust of King Charles over the Chimney piece should be raised upon a Pedestal with an Inscription in the following Words : [blank]
That one Table should be for Benefactions of greater Value in Lands, Houses, Rents, Libraries, Legacies etc.
And another for gifts in Money only. ' |