Description | Present: The President, Sir James Lowther Bart., Martin Folkles Esq, Mr James Hodgson, William Sloane Esq, James West, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
' The President gave the Council an account, that he understood there had been an Information laid against the House-keeper's Servant, one Thomas West, for his having been concerned in the late infamous Practice of filing the Guinea's; and that he is since absconded. And he observed that as several things have from time to time been lost out of the Repository through the Negligence or Dishonesty of Servants : it would therefore be proper to call for the Housekeeper uopon this occasion, and to charge him to be particularly carefull in the Choice of his Servants and the knowledge of their Characters: and also to enjoin him to give the Officers of the Mint, as occasion shall offer, all the assistance in his Power towards the discovery of this affair. Which being judged proper, he was called in and directed accordingly. And he thereupon acquainted the Council that he had already given the Mint Officers all the Light he was able, and that he never had ground before this occasion to suspect the Honesty of this Servant.
An allowance of sixty Pounds to each of the Secretaries for the service of the year ending at St Andrew's Day next, was put to the Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Dr Stack's Bill amounting to the Sum of £19.4.4. was agreed by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
It was proposed and agreed to, that Doctor Mortimer and any other Member who pleases to attend, should look over all the Curiosities in the Repository, and make an Inventory of them : and that the said Inventory should be read over, and the particulars called for in Mr Hauksbee's presence. After which he should sign the charge of the things therein contained.
It was recommended to Mr Folkes, Mr West and Mr Theobald, to think further on the Draught of the Medal and of the Dye to be cut for it, against the next Council.
A Letter from Dr Peck to the President dated September 11 . 1738 was read, serving to convey a Proposal addressed to the Society for raising of Stock of a thousand Pounds by way of Subscription for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences : which with two other Letters relating to the same one on the 9th and the other on the 14th of October were also read. And the Contents thereof being considered, it was agreed that he should be informed, that this Society cannot as a Society assist in the Establishment of such a Foundation : nor will they give any Interruption to the design of any other Society, which the Porposer now seems to be in hopes may be formed thereon. ' |