Description | Present at a Council, The President, Mr West, Mr Mann, Mr Rand, Mr Theobald, Mr Collinson, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
' The Treasurer, Mr West produced the form of a Bond in English to be used hereafter on the Loan of a Manuscript, instead of the Latin Bond, which is now become void by Statute : and the same being read was agreed to, and ordered to be printed in the following Words : "Know all person by these Presents, that I .............. of ...... in the County of ........... am held and firmly bound to the President Council and Fellows of the Royal Society for promoting Natural Knowedge and their Successors in the Sum of fifty Pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain to be paid to the said President Council and Fellows and their Successors or their certain Attorney : to the true and fiathfull Payment whereof I bind my Self, my Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these Presents sealed with my Seal, Dated the ..... of .... in the year of our Lord .....
The Condition of the above written Obligation is such, that if the above bound ..... his Executors or Administrators do and shall on or before the end of six weeks next ensuing the Date hereof, deliver or cause to be delivered one Manuscript Book intitled or called ..... to the above named President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Society of London for improving Natural Knowledge, or their Library-keeper, as whole, undefaced, and in as good plight, as he received and borrowed the same : then this Obligation to be void, or else to stand in full Force and Virtue.
Seaaled and delivered, being first duely stamped, in the Presence of ....."
It was ordered, that Dr Martyn be writ to, for the Duplicate Copy of the first volume of the Journal Book, and be desired to return the same back to the President, of whom he borrowed it.
Dr Mortimer communicated and read some Extract made by Dr Stack from the Minutes of the Council relating to the Contribution of Mr Zollman's Office, as Assistant to the Secretaries for carrying on a foreign Correapondence, in pursuance of the Words of Mr Keck's Will entered in the Minutes of Council February 22 : 1727 : with an account of the Gratuities on extraordinary Service, and the Substitution of others to officiate for him up on his occasional Engagements on Service in the affairs of the Government from the time of his first Election April 9 . 1723 to Novenber 2 . 1731.
He also communicated and read some Extracts made by Dr Stack from the Minutes of Council relating to the Office and Appointment of the Clerk and House-keeper from December 16 . 1685 : with an account of the Allowances, Perquisits and orders to the 23 February . 1735 .
He further communicated and read several Extracts from the Journal Books of the the Meetings, and from the Minutes of Council, relating to the entering and registering of Papers and Letters into the Books of the Society from the first Institution in 1660 down to June 1728.
After which it was recommended to Dr Mortimer to lay before the next Council the Plan of the Design concerted between himself and Dr Stack for the publication of the Books and Papers of the Society : that the same, if needfull, may be laid before the Body of the Society for their Approbation.
It was proposed and agreed to, that the Committee for the Inspection of the Repository should be revived ; and the following Gentlemen were nominated as proper persons to be desired to give their Assistance therein : Dr Mortimer, Mr Rand, Mr Theobald, Mr Collinson, Dr Lobb, Mr Birch, Mr Bogdani and Mr Senex. ' |