Description | ' Present at a Council, The President, Mr Mann, Mr West, Mr Eames, Mr Jones, Mr Rand, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
The Treasurer reported that the South - Sea Bond No. 4031 was paid off Principal and Interest.
Whereupon he was desired to purchase an India Bond of a hundred Pounds, if he found himself in Cash.
The President reported, that since the time of the last Council, when a Committee was appointed for holding a Conference with a Committee of the College of Physicians on the Subject of their Message about Lady Sadler's Donation; ther had been a Meeting by agreement on the third of July 1739 near the Temple: where Discourse being held about the Proposal made by the College for delivering up their Trust, and transferring to the Society their Right in Lady Sadler's House; some Doubts arose in points of Law about the way of rendering it practicable : whereby nothing further could be done at that time, but to assure the College, that the Society were ready to accept of the Trust, if the College could but find how it was to be transferred with Security.
The following several Bills for Work done by Mr Edward Gwyn Carpenter were put to the Ballot, and being agreed to were ordered to be paid, viz : Repairs of Mr Richardsons House in Crane-Court according to an Agreement .....£65.0.0. Further Work done at Mr Richardson's House ....£14.6.6 1/2 Job-Work at the Society's House to June 30 . 1739. .....£29.10.7 1/2 For repairing the Roof and Gutters and Modillion and Cornice ,,,,,£31.15.5 1/2 Total £149 . 12 . 5 1/2
The President said, that as there wanted a Chimney-piece in the Repository, he had made the Society a Present of one made of the Belemnites Marble, which might serve as a piece of Curiosity for that place, as well as of Use. For which the Council in the Name of the Society presented their thanks : and Ordered Mr Hauksbee to see that it should be set up, and that a new substantial plain Grate be procured for the Chimney.
The Council being informed that there were one hundred and twenty five Copies of Mr Willughby's Book of Fishes in the possession fo the Society, whereof some were defective in the Plates : Doctor Mortimer was desired to cause the same to be perfected.
The Council were informed by the Treasurer, that Mr Pestel complains for want of some necessary Repairs : the consideration of which was referred to the Treasurer. ' |