Description | Present at a Council. Martin Folkes Esq Vice-President, Sir James Lowther, Mr Wollaston, Mr West, Mr Hadley, Mr Rand, Mr Mitchell, Mr Theobald, Mr Graham, Mr Hamilton, Dr Mortimer and Mr Machin.
Mr Hauksbee delivered in the Letters he received from the Members in Arrears, in answer to those written by order of the Council : and the several Cases being debated and considered,
It was ordered, that Mr Byrom have liberty to take up his Bond upon making up his past Payments to the Sum of twenty five Pounds against Christmas next.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee write to Doctor Pocock at Greenwich, to let him understand that the Council observing that he had not yet complied with his promise of discharging his Arrears in May last; they were still willing to indulge him further till Chistmas next : before which time they expected his punctual Compliance with their Demands.
It was also ordered to write to Dr Roger Jones to let him know the firm Resolution of the Council to put his Bond in suit, unless he discharge his Arrears before Christmas.
Also ordered, that Mr Hauksbee deliver to Mr Tyler the Solicitor the several Bonds of Sir Thomas Robinson, Dr Frank Nicholls, Mr John Belchier, Dr de Castro, Mr Edward Nourse and Mr Mr Benjamin Robins : with directions and instructions forthwith to put the said Bonds in suit, and to refuse to take the several Debts due to the Society, without being first satisfied for his own Charges.
Ordered that Mr Tyler do forthwith write to Dr Atwell, the Honourable Benjamin Bathurst Esq., Dr Vernon, Robert More Esq. and the Reverend Mr Littleton Brown, to signify that it is the firm Resolution of the Council to put their several Bonds in suit, unless they take care to pay their Arrears before Christmas next.
Ordered, that Sir William Billers have liberty to take up his Bo0nd, in consideration he had made up his payments to more than that Sum which has often intitled others to the same favour.
Ordered that Mr Mann have liberty to take up his Bond on the making up his payments to the Sum of £25, exclusive of his Admission Fees.
Ordered, that a List of Debts due from the Executors of Members in Arrear be laid before the next Council.
A Motion being made to consider of some method to put the Statutes in execution as to collection of the Contributions by quarterly payments : the further consideration thereof was referred to some other Council.
Ssir John Evelyn Bart, John Hadley Esq, and Sir James Lowther Bart were severally proposed and put to the Ballot, and elected of a Committee with the President and one of the Secretaries, for auditing the Treasurer's Accompts on the part of the Council. The following Bills being put to the Ballot, were agreed to and ordered to be paid. A Bill for keeping and repairing the Engine .....£1.5.0 Mr Tyler's Bill ,,,,, £1.8.5 The Printer's Bill ..... £6.17.0 Mr Hauksbee's Bill ..... £32.9.0 A Translation of Mr John Baptist de Freval ..... £0.15.0 Total £42.14.5
It was put to the Ballot, agreed to and ordered, that the Sum of sixty Pounds be allowed and paid to each of the Secretaries for the Service of the present year.
Ordered that the Sum of ten Guineas be paid to Dr Desaguliers for his trouble and expence in the Experiments performed in the present year.
The Vice-President said, he was charged with a Message from the President this morning, who desired him to bear his Respects to them, and to acquaint them that the weakness in his Limbs, which has now so long continued, and the precarious state of his Health, he finds, will rendere it impracticable for him to give that attendance on the Society which his Office requires : and therefore he desires them to think of some other proper person for that office in the ensuing Election.
Hereupon a Motion was made, that a Committee should be appointed to wait on the President with the Compliments of the Society, and to consult with him some measures to reconcile, if possible, his holding the office in some manner as might not tender it injurious to his Health. And Sir James Lowther Bart, Martin Folkes, James West and John Hadley Esq were desired to undertake this Commission. '