Description | Present at a Council Martin Folkes Esq the President, Lord Cadogan, James West Esq, William Jones Esq, Nicholas Mann Esq, James Burrow Esq, William Folkes Es, John Hadley Esq, Mr Eames, Mr Hodgson, Dr Douglas, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin
John Hadley Esq was sworn as vice-President. Lord Cadogan, Nicholas Mann Esq, James Burrow Esq, Dr Douglas and Mr Eames were sworn of the Council.
Mr Hauksbee reported that Sir Thomas Robinson had paid him £25 for his Composition : whereupon it was ordered that Mr Tyler wait on him with his Bond, and deliver it up to him upon his payment of the Fee of one Guinea according to his Promise.
A Letter was read from Dr Nicholls, wherein he offers to make satisfaction for his Arrears and Contributions, either by paying the Sum of £25, on condition the Society will pay the Costs, or the penalty of his Bond with the Costs if otherwise. Whereupon it was ordered that his Bond be delivered up upon his payment of twenty five Pounds, and that the Treasurer do satisfy Mr Tyler.
Mr Nourse desired leave to compound for the Sum of £25 : which being granted, he accordingly paid int he money, and his Bond wa ordered to be delivered up.
Mr Belchier likewise waited on the Council, and desired leave to compound for £25 : which being granted he paid in the same, and his Bond was ordered to be delivered up.
Mr Tyler reported that Dr de Castro, upon his being sued, had pleaded his Privilege as a Servant of the Portugal Ambassador.
Which case being taken into Consideration, it was resolved that Dr de Castro be informed that he shall, if he please, still have liberty to compound for his Arrears and Contributions, by making up his payments to the Sum of £25 : to which offer the Council will wait for an answer, before they will proceed to take such further Steps as are proper in such Cases.
Upon a Motion made, that the Earl of Loudoun have likely to take up his Bond upon making up his Payment to £25, the same was granted.
Ordered that Dr Barker, Henry Rowes Esq and Charles Lockyer Esq have liberty to discharge their Arrears and Contributions upon the terms granted in the Resolutions of Council on the second of February 1729.
Ordered that no liberty be granted to Members to compound for their Arrears after Lady Day next ensuing.
Ordered that this Order be hung up in the Meeting Room.
The President acquainted the Council, that the Honourable Mr Arundel Master of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower, having expressed great readiness to oblige the Society with the assistance of his office in giving out such Orders as were necessary for the striking of the Medal, had informed him, that notice must be given of the number of Medals which the Socirty will want from time to time, that the Order may be issued accordingly.
Whereupon after thanks returned to Mr Arundel it was resolved that at present Leave be procured to strike, One Dozen of Gold Medals One Dozen of Silver Medals, and Two Dozen of Copper. It was likewise ordered, that in consideration of the Trouble given to Mr Vertue in making a Draught for the Medal, which happened not to be that which was followed, a Present be made to him of two of the Silver Medals
The Treasurer informed the Council that the President had generously given the Sum of one hundred pounds to the Society as a present to assist them in the present low State of their Revenues.
For which the Council in the name of the Society returned their thanks to the President and ordered the Benefaction to be recorded in the Table of Benefactions.
The President informed the Council, that whereas the late President Sir Hans Sloane Bart had given his receipts for the Duplilcates of the Journal Books, Register and Letter Books of teh Society, now in his custody, which Receipts were put into the strong Box : it would be necessary to give up the said Receipts, in order to have the said Books returned.
Accordingly the strong Box being opened, the Receipts were taken out and delivered to the President, in order to be given to Sir Hans Sloane. Which Receipts were: One for 12 Volumes of the Journal Books, 8 Volumes of the Register Books, and 14 volumes of the Letter Books, dated January 7 : 1729. Another for the 15th and 16th Volumes of the Letter Books, and the 14th Volume of the Journal Book.
At the same time the Treasurer took a Copy of the Titles of the Deeds and Papers contained in thr strong Box, which were : Title Deeds of the Socirty's Estate at Acton in Middlesex.
Release from Sir Hans Sloane to the Society of Apothecaries, of the Physick - Garden in Chelsea, under a yearly Rent to the Royal Socity.
Release of the house in Crane - Court to the Royal Society.
Queen Anne's Sign manual appointing the President, and in his Absence the Vice-President, with such others as the Council shall appoiont, to be Visitors of the Royal Observtory at Greenwich.
Copy of the Will and Title - Deeds of the Estate left by Mr Acton to the Royal Society.
Copy of the Society's Discharge to the Executor of Alexander Pitfield Esq.
Mr Gale's Receipt and Declaration of Trust to the Society upon receiving what was due from Mr Pitfield's Executors.
Title Deeds of the houses in Crane - Court.
Copy of the Will of Dr Edward Browne.
Deeds of Covenants to Mr Braund from the Royal Society to produce the Deeds of their Houses in Crane-Court.
Declaration of Trust from A. Hill of £200 African Stock belonging to the Royal Society Lease to Mr Richardson Lease of Dr Paget for a term of seven years of a house in Coleman Street. Licence of Mortmain to purchase £1000 per annum in perpetuity. Title Deeds of the houses in Coleman Street. Counterpart of Mr Blackden's Lease. Counterpart of Mr Savile's Lease. Receipts of Michael Marshal of one of Mr Aston's Debentures. Five Debentures of £32.10.0 each payable to Mr Aston. The Silver Matrix of the Seal of the Society.
Added February 22 : 1741 Copy of Sir John Banks of his Conveyance of the Fee-farm Rents. Copy of the Decree relating to Lady Sadler's Will, 25 February 1728. '