Description | ' Present at a Council. The President, Lord Charles Cavendish, James West Esq, John Hadley Esq, William Jones Esq, Mr John Eames, James Burrow Esq, Richard Graham Esq, Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin.
The President acquainted the Council, that there were now five Prizes due on Sir Godfrey Copley's annual Donation; and therefore he thought that as the Medals were struck, it might be proper to deliver them to the several Gentlemen at next Meeting, and who were Mr Belchier for the year 1737, Mr Vauloue for the year 1738, Dr Stephen Hales for the year 1739, Dr Alexander Stuart for the year 1740, and Dr Desagulilers for the year 1741 : which being approved of was agreed to accordingly.
The President proposed that a Present of one of the Gold Medals might be made to the late President Sir Hans Sloane Bart : which being approved of he was desired to present one to him in the name of the Society.
The President acquainted the Council, that he understood that Dr Mead had expressed his desire to have liberty to purchase one of the Gold Medals : which was accordingly granted.
He also proposed that a Present might be made to Mr Theobald of one of the Silver Medals, for the Care and Pains he was at in getting the Dye cut: and that he might be impowered to give one of the Silver Medals to the Honourable R. Arundel Esq Master of the Mint, when he should wait on him to return him the thanks of the Society : and besides the two ordered to Mr Vertue by the last Council, one might likewise be given to each of the Secretaries : all of which were agreed to accordingley.
It being represented that the Reverend Dr Miles had already paid his Contributions till they amounted to the Sum of £49 ; it was moved that he might have librty to take up his Bond upon the further payment of five Pounds : which was accordingly agreed to and ordered.
Mr Jones having some time since borrowed the Manuscripts of Mr Collins, returned them back neatly bound in a Book of Guards with proper Titles and References, to render them mor ecommodious for reading than they were before : for which he had the thanks of the Council, and they were ordered to be put up into the Strong Box.
The President, in pursuance and confomity to the Directions of the Charter, took the Oath of Allegiance in the following form of Words : " I A.B. do swear that I do promise and swear that I will be faithfull and bear true Allegiance to his Majesty King George the Second, "
And also the Oath of Supremacy in the following form " I A.B. do swear that I do from my Heart, abhor, detest and abjure as impious and heretical that damnable Doctrine and Position that Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever. And I do declare that no foreign Prince, person, Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superiority, Pre-eminence or Authority ecclesiastical or spiritual within this reals. So help me God. "
John Hadley Esq, James West Esq and Mr John Machin also took the said Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, as Vice - Presidents. ' |