Description | Present: The President; Lord Charles Cavendish; Mr West; Mr Jones; Mr Burrow; Mr Eames; Mr Hodgson; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin.
' The Treasurere informed the Council, tht Mr Peste's house in Coleman Street stood in need of some further Repairs to be made to it : and that might amount, by a Computation, to about £37.8.8 Whereupon it being agreed that the said Repairs should be made, Mr Treasurer was desired to give the proper Orders about it.
The Treasurer likewise informed the Council that as Mr Blackden's Lease is to expire at Michealmass next; an Offer had been made from Mr Michael Hopson an Apothecary to take a Lease of seven years at the same Rent : on condition the Society will be at the Charges of such Repairs as are necessary, and which according to an Estimate given in did amount to about £49.10.0. Which affair being considered, it was agreed a Lease to be drawn.
The President gave his Receipt for the following Books : viz. The 16 Volumes of the Journal Book The 20 and 21st Volume of the Register Book The 25th Volume of a Supplement to the Letter Book. The 1st 2d 3d 4th Volume of a Supplement to the Letter-Book. Which receipt was ordered to be put up in the Strong Box.
A Letter from Mr Edmund Stone was read, signifying that his affairs not permitting him to attend the Meetings, he desired Liberty to withdraw himself from the Society. Which being granted, Mr Hauksbee was ordered to take notice thereof, and to leave the Name out of the List.
Ordered, that the remaining part of Mr Gwyn's Bill, amounting to £52 be paid.
Ordered, that Mr Tyler's ill be paid, and that five guinea's be allowed him for the blank Article, amounting in all to the Sum of £13.4.1
Mr Hauksbee having informed the Council that no answer had been received either by himself or the Solicitors to the Letters wrote to Mr Strachey or Mr Swinton. It was Ordered, that the Bonds of Mr Strachey and Mr Swinton be forthwith put in Suit.
Ordered, that the Solicitor write to the Honourable Doctor Molesworth to pay his Arrears.'