Description | Signed minutes of the Council of the Royal Society
Present: Sir Howard Florey, President; Mr F C Bawden; Sir Lindor Brown, Secretary; Lord Fleck, Treasurer; Professor J E Harris; Sir Harold Himsworth; Sir Willliam Hodge, Secretary; Professor A F Huxley; Sir Christopher Ingold; Sir Patrick Linstead, Foreign Secretary; Professor W T J Morgan; Professor C F Powell; Professor O A Saunders; Dr C J Stubblefield; Sir Gordon Sutherland; Sir Graham Sutton; Dr H W Thompson; Professor C H Waddington; Professor A G Walker; Professor F C Williams The Assistant Secretary attended.
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 1962 were confirmed
2. Death Reported the death of Ezer Griffiths on 14 February 1962. Resolved - That Sir Charles Darwin be invited to prepare a biographical memoir of Dr Griffiths
3. West European National Committees for Chemistry
4. Frequency Allocation for Radio Astronomy and Space Science
5. Henry Dale Research Professorship [consideration of first appointment to this new professorship]
6. Isaac Newton Telescope With reference to minute 3 of 9 November 1961, reported that the Board of Admiralty saw little, if any, purpose in temporarily transferring responsibility of the Isaac NEwton telescope to the Board of Visitors of teh Royal Greenwisch Observatory for the shor t period until t he telescope became operational in about 1966, and was referring the matter to the Board of Visitors for further consideration at its next annual meeting in June 1962. The Physical Secretary said that he proposed to explain the situation to the Admiralty, andk, if the temporary arrangement were not agreed, to press to have the existing arrangements adhered to without modificatin. Resolved - That the proposals by the Physical Secretary be endorsed.
7. Brisitsh Chemical Education
8. Crystallogrphy Natinal Committee
9. Royal Swedish Academy of Science
10. Accommodation
11. Candidates for t he Fellowship [Selected candidates to be elected by ballot at teh Annual Meeting for teh Election of Fellows on 15 March 1962]
12. Polish Exchange Agreement
13. Statute 12 Consideration was given to the selection of persons to be recommended for election into the Society under Statute 12. The names of the Earl of Iveagh, the Rt /H?on Harold Macmillan and the EArl of Radnor were proposed for further consideration at teh next meeting, before which statements of claims woudl be circulated.
14. Foreign Membership [List of candidates agreed to be listed for discussion at the following meeting]
15. Annual Contribution
16. Parliamentary Grants - in aid
17. Scientific Investigations Grant - in -aid
18. Jaffe Reserach Student
19. Discussion Meeting ['Biological and sociological aspects of population trends' in November 1962]
20. Hooke Committee Considered a suggestion by the President that a Commmittee, to be named the Hooke Committee, be appointed, charged with the duty of making suggestions to the Secretaries for teh programme of the Society's Ordinary Meetings. Resolved - That the suggestion be approved and that Professor W T J Morgan be appointed Chairman of the Committee and asked to submit suggestions for membership of the Committee for consideration at the next meeting of Council.
21. Gifts Reported the acceptance by the Officers of a gift to the Royal Society by Mr W A Seaton and his sister, Dr Ethel Seaton, of a silver cup presented to their great - grandfather Captain Daniel Ross (FRS, 1822), of the East India company's navy, in recognition of his services in contributing to the rescue of the AMerican ship 'Asia' at the month of the Tigris in 1807. Reported the offer by Mr R A Spottiswoode of a portrait by G F Watts of William Spottiswoode (FRS, 1853, Treasurer 1870-78, President 1878-83). Resolved - That the action by the Officers be confirmed, that the offer by Mr Spottiswoode be accepted and that the thanks of the Society be returned to the donors.
22. United Nations Conference
23. Pakiston Science Conference
24. Royal Society UNESCO Committee
25. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Scienyific Publications Boards ii. John Murray Studentship Committee iii. Pacific Science Committee iv. Soiree Committee The report of the meeting held on 15 February 1962 was laid before Council. Reported - That it was hope dthat Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother woudl visit the Society for an evening reception in July and that the visit might be associated with the tercentenary of teh granting of the Society's first Charter on 15 July 1662. The Officers had agredd that this should be made a special occasion to which only Fellows and th eir ladies would be invited and t hat a small number of suitable exhibits and demonstrations chosen by the Committee might be arranged. Recommended - That the Anniversary Dinner on 30 November 1962 be held at the Dorchester Hotel. Resolved - That the report and recommendation of the Committee be approved , it being noted that the evening reception reported would be held on 17 July. v. National Committee for Physics vi. National Committee for Space Research
26. Sealing
27. Bills for payment.
Signed by the President Howard Florey on 12 April 1962