Description | Present; The President; Mr Baker; Mr Belchier; Mr Burrow; Mr Mauduit; Mr Newcome; Mr Wegg; Mr West; Mr Wilson; Dr Birch, Secretary; Dr Morton, Secretary
' The Minutes of the last council, viz March 17, 1763 were read.
The Paper entitled "Statutes concerning the Clerk, Librarian, keeper of the Repository, Housekeeper, Mace bearer and Porter " was read a Second time, and the particulars contained were declared to be Statutes of this Society; and they were ordered to be reported as such to the next Meeting.
Ordered that the Copy of Mr Aston's Will be delivered, to Mr West, Treasurer, out of the strong Box; which was done Accordingly; and Mr West gave his receipt for the same, which was put into the Strong Box.
A Draught of a Bond for the Clerk etc of this Society, was read and approved, and was delivered to Mr da Costa, to be shewn to his Bondsmen; and then to be engrossed and executed.
An order for Mr Kirkby the Sollicitor, to receive payments for the Use of the Society, was signed by the President. ' |