
TitleMinutes of a meeting of the Council of the Royal Society
Date23 June 1763
DescriptionPresent: James Burrow Esq Vice President; Mr Baker; Mr Belchier; Mr collinson; Mr Mauduit; Mr Newcome; Mr Wegg; Mr Wilson; Dr Birch Secretary; Dr morton, Secretary

Read minutes of last meeting on 21 April 1763

' Ordered that Sir Matthew Fetherston Haugh Bart, Taylor White and John White Esqrs, and the Reverend Dr Smith of Cambridge, have delivered to them the volumes of the Transactions which they have not hitherto received. '

Ordered by Ballot, that the bills of £29-18.0d from the Engraver Mr Mynde, ££38-16-0 from the printer Mr Bowyer, and £0-19-7 to Messrs Horsefall and Nelson for copying minutes, be paid

' Mr Kirkby the Sollicitor having deliverd in Mr da Costa's Bond for the thousand Pounds, signed by Samuel Felton and Joseph Salvador Esqrs and Fellows fo the Roya Society it was ordered to be deposited in the Iron Chest.

Ordered that the fire Engine belonging to the Society be repaired.

Resolved, that the directions of the Necessary repairs of the Society's House in Crane Court, be referred to Messrs Wegg and Baker, and what is necessary for the Museum and Library, to the Inspector of each respectively.

Dr Morton reported the three following Resolutions from the Society, viz.
1. That this Society do recommend to the Council that they do immediately inquire into the extent of their Right to the Observations made by the Royal Astronomer at Greenwich ; and that they use what shall appear to them the best means of securing these, And all future Observations, to the Society and to the Publick.
2. That as soon as the said Observations (viz those of the late Royal Astronomers Flamstead, Halley and Bradley) shall be obtained; the Council of the Society direct, that such of them as they shall find propoer be published at teh Expence of the Society.
3. That it be recommended to the Council of this Society; to demand of the Astronomers Royal the Observations which shall be made at the Royal Observatory to be delivered annually, on or before every St Andrew's day; and to publish them annually in the Philosophical Transactions.

After this report, a Letter to the President of the Society, from Her late Majesty Queen Anne, dated December 12, 1710, was read; Whereby the President, or in his absence the Vice President of the Society, for the time being, with such other persons as the Council shall think proper to add to them, are Appointed Visitors of the Royal Observatory, and have certain powers conferred upon them vid. the Minutes of the Council for December 14th, 1710.

It being observed by the Vice President, that the President's absence deprived the Council of the Advantage of his Lordship's opinion; it was Resolved that this Matter be referred to the next Council : and Dr Morton was desired in the Mean time to examine the Minutes relative thereto. '
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