Description | Present at the meeting: the President in the chair; Mr Burrow; Mr Campbell; Mr Dyer; Dr Murdock; Dr Parsons; Mr West; Dr Maty and Dr Morton, Secretaries
Minutes of the last meeting read
' Resolved, Mr Campbell, Mr Cavendish, Mr Short, Dr Bevis, Mr Raper, the Astronomer Royal and Mr Ferguson, or any three of them to be a Committee, and be desired to meet on tuesday next, at the house of the Society At the hour of 12 precisely to consider of the places proper to Observe the ensuing transit of Venus; And the method, the persons fit, and other particulars relative to the same, and to report the same to the Council this day Sennight; and that a Copy of this Minute be sent to each of these Gentlemen tomorrow the 13th instant. '
Letter read from Philip Michael Morin at Whitehall, Secretary of State's office for the southern department, of 21 July 1767 sending a copy of a letter form the Earl of Shelbourne written by order of His Majesty to the Master General of the Ordnance to pay bills for printing the Observations made at Greenwich. Letter from Shelbourne copied into minutes.
Ordered that the Astronomer Royal and Mr Bevis print the Observations without delay
Mr da Costa to gather all bills payable by the Society in one week
Ordered Mr Charles Howard Junior be admitted in future as he has paid his admission fee and 26 guiineas in lieu of contributions, and is now in the country on family affairs. |