Description | Present: Samuel Wegg, Vice President in the Chair; Mr John Belchier; James Burrow Esq; Lord Charles Cavendish; the Honurable Henry Cavendish; Matthew Maty MD; Charles Morton MD; James Parsons MD
' The Minutes of the last Council were read.
Ordered by Ballot, that Mr Bond's bill for Instruments for the transit of Venus be paid by James Burrow Esq viz £153..15..0
And that another bill for sundries, amounting to £3..14..6 be paid by the Treasurer.
The Vice President mentioned that he had received the sum of one hundred pounds, being the legacy of the late Dr Smith of Cambridge by hisWill dated May 6th 1766 in the following Words. "And as a Testimony of my respect to the Royal Society of London for the promotion of Natural knowledge I give them one hundred pounds. "
Mr Nuttel of Long Acres having given in an estimate for putting the Society's engine into repair, amounting to £7 - &-)d Orderd that he be directed to repair it accordingly Ordered That the Astronomer royal be desired to forward the instruments (for the transit of Venus) to Ireland, in the shortest and most direct manner, according to his letter to Mr Morton this day : And that he be also desired to acquaint Mr Mason therewith, and direct him accordingly.
It was also ordered, that Mr Maskelyne be acquainted, that the Council are very willing, Dr Lynde accompany the Observer to the North, provided theAdmiralty have no objection to it.
The consideration of applying to the Admiralty for a Shalloup to attend the Observers at Cherry Island, was postponed to another Council. ' |