Description | Present: Sir George Porter, President; Dr Brigitte A Askonas; Dr L M Brown; Professor C Eaborn; Professor M A Epstein, Foreign Secretary; Professor B K Follett, Secretary; Sir Francis-Graham Smith, Secretary; Professor J L Harper; Professor R Hide; Professor R W K Honeycombe, Treasurer; Dr A T James; Professor T W T Kibble; Sir Aaron Klug; Professor R QA Laskey; Professor K Murray; Professor E R Oxburgh; Sir Philip Randle; Professor F H Read; Professor E C Zeaman
The Executive Secretary attended
Matters discussed 1. Declaration in lieu of the Oath prescribed by the Charter 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 1988 confirmed 3. Candidates for the Fellowship 4. Committee membership 5. Representation on outside bodies 6. Research Councils: assessors and reports 7. Vice Presidents
National Affairs 8. Animal Experiments:P Guidelines 9. Joint Royal Society - Fellowship of Engineering Lecture 10. Natural history data 11. Research appointments: stipends 12. Research Fellows; travel grants 13. Royal Society University Research Fellow (scheme established 1983) 14. Royal Society University Research Fellowships (scheme 1983) panels 16. Biological Education Joint Committee 17. Scientific Investigation Committee
Royal Society Domestic Affairs 18. Royal Society Corporate Plan 1989 19. Sealing 20. Statutes and Standing Orders amendment 21. House Committee 22. Library Committee
International Affairs 23. African Biosciences Network 24. International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) 25. Overseas Field Research 26. SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment) subscription 27. History of Science, Medicine and Technology National Committee 28. Grants/Exchanges [Panel B] 29. Grants/Exchanges [Panel C] 30. Grants/Exchanges [Panel D]
Includes at end: Appendix A - National Committee for the History of Science, Technology and Medicines: List of applicants for grants for research into the history of science, with amounts and gradings recommended by the Committee 1988 Appendix B - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel B of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix C - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel C of the International Exchanges Committee Appendix D - Grants/Exchanges recommended by Panel D of the International Exchanges Committee |