Description | Present: The President in the Chair; Mr Brande; Mr George Clerk; Mr Colebrooke; Mr Combe; Mr Croker; Mr Gilbert; Mr Hatchett; Mr Herschel; Captain Kater; Mr Pondl Earl Spencer; Dr Wollaston; Dr Young
The Minutes of the last Council were read.
'The Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy were administered to Mr Hatchett as one of the Vice Presidents of the Royal Society.'
The following letter was laid before the Council by the President The Duke of Wellington presents his Compliments to the President of the Royal Society and begs to acknowledge the receipt of his Letter with the accompanying Minute and Resolution of the Society respecting Captain Sabine. The Duke is very happy that an Officer under the Ordnance should have it in his power to render services which have merited such high commendations from the President and Council of the Royal Society. Office of Ordnance 15 February 1821