Description | Kept in a file marked 'universities' by Cornforth, the folders contain correspondence arranged into the following order: Amsterdam (Prof Dr H O Huisman); Berkeley; Brimingham (including University of Aston, Professor W D Ollis and Dr J A Blair); Cambridge (including correspondence with Sir John Meurig Thomas); Columbia; Denmark (Technical University); Dublin - Trinty College; German universities (Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Marburg); Groningen (Prof H Wynberg); Keele (Prof E D Morgan); Kent at Canterbury; Liverpool (George Kenner Memorial and Prof R A W Johnstone). The largest section in this file is the correspondence between Professor Eric David Morgan, at Keele, who first worked with Cornforth at the National Institute for Medical Research, and continuing their conrrespondence after his move to Keele. |