
TitleCollected papers of Sir John Warcup Cornforth FRS, Nobel prize-winning chemist, and Lady Rita Cornforth, organic chemist
DescriptionThe papers and correspondence of Sir John Cornforth FRS and Lady Rita Cornforth. Although the Rita Cornforth collection is the smaller of the two, it is worth noting that there is significant cross over between the two subfonds, with correspondence often addressed to both.
ArrangementOriginal order maintained where possible. Divided roughly, though with overlap into the following subfonds and series:
1.) Collected Papers of Sir John Warcup Cornforth
1/1.) Correspondence
1/2.) Work papers
1/3.) Royal Society
1/4.) Awards, honours and certificates
1/5.) Personal
1/6.) Photographs and imagery

2.) Collected Papers of Lady Rita Harradence Cornforth
2/1.) Correspondence
2/2.) Work papers
2/3.) Personal

3) Further papers of Sir John Warcup Cornforth and Lady Rita Harradence Cornforth.
AccessConditionsSome closure restrictions apply to certain items, this is indicated in the file entries in the catalogue.
AdminHistoryThis collection contains the papers of both Sir John Cornforth FRS and Lady Rita Cornforth. Both were awarded an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship and travelled to study in Oxford, they were married in 1941, and also collaborated together on over 40 scientific papers. More information has been provided in the Admin History field for each sub-fonds.
Fellows associated with this archive
NA319Cornforth; Sir; John Warcup (1917 - 2013); chemist1917 - 2013
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