Citation | Mr Thomas Wright living in Gloucester Court near St James's. A Gentleman very well skilled in all parts of the Mathematicks: Inventor of the Instrument called the Perpetual Pannauticon, which he had the honour to lay before this Society; and intends to do it again as soon as he has compleated several Usefull Additions that he is now making to it. Sole Designer, and Delineator, of the Large Body of Dials erected on Sunderland pier, by Order of the Honble the Commissioner. Author of several Astronomical Calculations, in particular that of the Suns Eclipse in May 1733, printed at Durham; and of that of the Moon in November 1732 Published at Edinburgh: is desirous of being elected a Fellow of this Society, and is Recommended by Us as A Person very proper, and One that may be a very usefull Member of the Same. |