Citation | Whereas Philip Henry Seyberth Professor of Civil Law in the University of Gottingen & Doctor of Laws in the University of Oxford, is desirous of being admitted Fellow of the Royal Society, we whose names are underwritten do, from a Personal Knowledge of him, recommend him as a proper Person & worthy of that Honor, both from his great Love of, & Application to Natural Knowledge, & from his great Skill in Mathematical Science, as will better appear from the following short account of the Works, he has already obliged the Learned World with: viz; "Dissertatio de Cycloide, ejusque in Horologiis construendis Usu": 2do "Schema et facilior Parallelogrami Newtoniani Representatio." 3o "Tractatio de Calculo interu juris Leibnitiano". 4o "Liber singularis de annuo Reditu, praesertim Vitali Tontinis, et Fiscis Viduarum". |