RefNo | EC/1776/17 |
Previous numbers | Cert III, 255; A03308 |
Level | Item |
Title | Hemming, Samuel: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 20/06/1776 |
Citation | The Revd Mr Samuel Hemmings of Twickenham in Middlesex, a Gentleman very assiduous to promote Philosophical Enquiries, being desirous of the honour of becoming a Fellow of this Society, we whose names are under=written do of our personal knowledge recommend him, as likely to become a very useful member |
Proposers | Edward King; Thos Anguish; John Call; Cha Morton; John Walsh; Jos Banks; W Henly; John Hunter; Fra Wollaston; Robert Mylne; J Lane; Geo Keate; J H du Magellan; Js Porter ? |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA2608 | Hemming; Samuel (- 1785) | - 1785 |