RefNo | EC/1785/12 |
Previous numbers | Cert V, 18; A00780 |
Level | Item |
Title | Boulton, Matthew: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Citation | Matthew Boulton Esq of Birmingham, a gentleman well versed in several branches of Natural Philosophy, being desirous of becoming a fellow of the Royal Society, we whose names are hereunto subscribed do, from our personal knowledge, recommend him as highly deserving of that honour |
Proposers | Rd Kirwan; Joseph Priestley; C Blagden; J Smeaton; John Hunter; John Mervin Nooth; John Smith; John Frere; P George Craufurd; John Whitehurst; Thos B Bayley; A G Eckhardt; Jos Wedgwood; Will Russell; Wm James; G Shuckburgh; Wm Watson Junr; A Dalrymple; Robert Mylne; W Seward; Richd Price; J Lloyd; R H A Bennet |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8135 | Boulton; Matthew (1728 - 1809) | 1728 - 1809 |