Citation | Honorary Keeper of the Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Gardens, Kew. Dr Scott is a person attached to Science and anxious to promote its progress. He is distinguished for his acquaintance with Botany, and has made discoveries in that branch of science which have been published in the following papers: 'Entwickelungsgeschichte der gegliederten Milchronhren' (Inaug Dissert, Wurzburg 1881, published in Arbeiten des Bot Instituts , Wurzburg, 1881; translation in (Quart Journ Micros Sci, 1882); 'On the Laticiferous Tissue of 'Manihot Glaziovii'' (Quart Journ Micros Sci, 1884); 'On the Occurrence of Articulated Laticiferous Vessels in Hevea' (Journ Linn Soc, Botany, 1885); 'On the Nuclei of Oscillaria and Tolypothrix' (ibid, 1887); with Mr Wager, 'On the Floating Tissue of 'Sebania aculeata'' (Annals of Botany, I, 1888); with Mr Brebner, 'On the Anatomy and Histogeny of Strychrios' (Annals of Botany, III, 1889); 'On some Points in the Anatomy of 'Ipomaea versicolor'' (ibid, v, 1891); with Mr Brebner, 'On Internal Phloem in the Root and Stem of Dicotyledons' (ibid); 'On the secondary Tissues in Certain Monocotyledons' (ibid, vii, 1893); with Miss Sargant, 'On the Pitchers of 'Dischidia Rafflesiana'' (ibid). Dr Scott is also the author of many botanical reviews, notes, &c. He co-operated with Prof Bower, FRS, in the preparation of the English edition of De Bary's 'Comparative Anatomy of Phanerogams and Ferns' (Oxford, 1884); and with Prof Howes in the preparation of the new edition (1888) of Huxley and Martin's 'Elementary Biology.' From 1882-1885 Dr Scott was Assistant to the Professor of Botany at University College, London, and was from 1885-1892 Assistant Professor in Biology (Botany) at the Royal College of Scienc, South Kensington, a position which he resigned to take up that which he at present occupies at the Royal Gardens, Kew. |