Citation | [Assistant to the] Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin. Has published various papers on Vegetable Histology, Cytology and Physiology. Joint author with J Joly, of papers, 'On the Ascent of Sap' (Phil Trans, vol 186, B, 1895); 'The Path of the Transpiration-Current' (Annals of Botany, vol ix, 1895); author also of the following papers: - 'Fertilization of 'Pinus silvestris'' (ibid, vol viii, 1894); 'On the Vegetative Organs of 'Vanda teres'' (Proc Roy Irish Acad, 3rd Ser, vol iii, 1894); 'On the Chromosomes of 'Lilium longiflorum'' and 'On the Nuclei of the Endosperm of 'Fritillaria imperials'' (ibid, 1896); 'On the Osmotic Pressure in the Cells of Leaves' (ibid, vol iv, 1897); 'On the Physics of the Transpiration-Current' (Notes from the Botanical School, Trinity College, Dublin, 1897); 'Transpiration into a Saturated Atmosphere' (Proc Roy Irish Acad, 3rd Ser, vol iv, 1898); 'On the First Mitosis of the Spore-mother-Cells of Lilium' (ibid, vol vi, 1899); 'The Possible Function of the Nucleolus in Heredity' (Annals of Botany, vol xiii, 1899); 'On the Structure of Coccospheres and the Origin of Coccoliths' (Proc Roy Soc, vol lxvi, 1900); 'On the Germination of Seeds after Exposure to High Temperature' (notes from Botanical School, Trinity College, Dublin, 1902); 'Cohesion Theory of the Ascent of Sap' (Proc Roy Dublin Soc, vol x, 1903); 'Observations on the Temperature of Subterranean Organs of Plants' (Trans Roy Irish Acad, vol xxxii, B, 1903), and other papers on histological and physiology subjects. |