Citation | Professor of Experimental Physics, University College, Nottingham. Author or joint author of numerous mathematical and experimental researches, mainly related to electrical, optical and acoustical science: - 'Disturbance of Kew Magnetometer by a Distant Dynamo' (Rept to Astron Royal, 1891); 'Measurements of Magnetic Fields' (Phil Mag, 1892); 'Electric Spark Photography of Bullets' (Nature); 'Permeability of Magnetite' (Brit Assoc Rept, 1892); 'Electrical Interference Phenomena - I' (Proc Roy Soc, 1893); 'Electrical Waves' (Brit Assoc Rept, 1893); 'Electrical Interference Phenomena' (DSc Thesis, Lond University, 1894); 'Electrical Interference Phenomena - II' (Proc Roy Soc, 1894); 'Graphical Method for Focal Lengths of Mirrors and Lenses' (Phil Mag, 1896); 'Temperature Variation of Magnetic Permeability of Magnetite' (Trans Roy Soc Edin, 1896); 'Absorption of Electric Waves along Wires by a Terminal Bridge' (Phil Mag, 1897); 'Attenuation of Electric Waves along Wires and Reflection at Oscillator' (ibid, 1897); 'Attenuation of Electric Waves along a Line of Negligible Leakage' (ibid, 1898); 'Equivalent Resistance and Inductance of a Wire to Oscillatory Discharge' (ibid, 1899); 'Criterion for Oscillatory Discharge of Condensor' (ibid, 1899); 'Axis Concentration of Dying Currents' (ibid, 1900); 'Reflection and Transmission at Condensers of Electric Waves along Wires' (ibid, 1900); 'Refraction of Sound by Wind' (ibid, 1901); 'Air Pressures used in Playing Brass Instruments' (ibid, 1902); 'Vibrations of Sound Box and String of Monochord' (ibid, 1906); 'Vibrations of Bridge and String of Monochord' (ibid); 'Lateral Vibrations of, Bars' (ibid, 1907); 'Spherical Radiation and Vibrations in Conical Pipes' (ibid, 1908); 'A Text Book of Sound' (Macmillan, 1908); 'Vibrations of Violin G String and Belly' (Phil Mag, 1909); 'On the Vibration Curves of Violin Bridge and Strings' (ibid, 1910); 'On Simultaneous Vibration Curves for Strings and Air of Violin' (ibid, 1912); 'On Dust Figures Produced by Electric Sparks' (ibid, 1912); 'On Range and Sharpness under Sustained Forcing and their Variations with Pitch' (ibid, 1913); 'On Ionistion and Wireless Telegraphy' (ibid, 1914); 'Analytical Mechanics' (Longmans, 1911); 'Practical Physics for Colleges and schools' (Arnold, 1912). |