RefNo | FS/5 |
Level | Section |
Title | Committee Membership |
Date | 1948-1956 |
Description | Papers on the Scientific Committees of which Simon was a member.
The majority of this section is made up of papers of the Atomic Scientists' Association and include copies of minutes and agendas for meetings of the Association.
Other files include papers on Simon's involvement with the Institute of Refrigeration and the International Institute of Refrigeration (Institut International du Froid); the Physics Advisory Panel to the Festival of Britain; the commission of very low temperatures of the Union Internationale de Physique Pure et Appliquee (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics); the United Kingdom Scientific Mission in the USA and the Heavy Water Working Party of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)
Correspondence with UNESCO is on their discussion topic "World Energy and Power Resources" and with the Royal Institute of International Affairs on discussion meetings on the topic 'The Atomic Age' (Simon presented a paper at the second meeting titled 'The Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy'). |
Extent | 23 files (3 boxes) |
Format | Manuscript and typescript documents |
Notes | "Simon liked committees. He was always on the look out for something new and interesting and they gave him an opportunity for finding out what was going on...After a meeting at Harwell to discuss co-operation with the Clarendon someone said: "Do you know what Simon means by co-operation? Sitting at a table and going away with £5000 for the Clarendon". (From Nancy Arms <i>A Prophet in Two Countries - A Life of FE Simon</i>, pp138 |
AccessStatus | Open |