Description | ' Many thanks for your letter, As Lindemann payed a visit to us on Sunday, I showed him your letter concerning Furth. He answered that he had already asked several times whether one could not employ refugees for this kind of work and he always was told that the matter was under consideration and that a general settlement was to be expected in the near future. He now will ask once again. L. seems to be very busy and looks rather tired. We see him now rather seldom, about once every fortnight. We are moving now into the new Laboratory which is very fine indeed. Under the present circumstances it will take us however many months until we can begin again with experiments. We would prefer if we could [do] something of more topical interest. Otherwise we are alright here. Oxford is now an extremely busy town, you probably would not recognise it. The streets are filled with people from London and the old Oxforders are nearly lost between then. The political situation is very unstable indeed with Russia Japan and Italy still in suspense. It may be however that the fact the power of the Russian army has obviously been overestimated as it turns out now, may be an important factor on our side. I wonder if the Russians have not been aware of this fact themselves and if that was the reason that they joined the Germany as they knew that they could not fight them with a chance of sucess. With best wishes for your whole family for Christmas and the New Year. ' |