Description | Publisher: Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milan Papers on: - biology of lysozyme; lysozyme and viral infections, bacterial infections, tuberculosis, blood coagulation, pediatrics, digestive apparatus, surgery, atomatology, obstetrics and gynaecology; lysozyme, mucopolysaccharides and mesenchyme. Includes: C Runti, 'Structure and pharmacological activity of lysozyme. Abstract' p 4-6 P Caselli, 'Biological activity of lysozyme, not depending on its enaymatic nature' p 6 A Caputo and R Zito, 'Structure and enzymatic activity of lysozyme' p 7 P Mascherpa, 'Immunitary natural substances related to lysozyme' p 8 S E Hartsell, 'Factor in lysozymic bacteriolysis' p 9 R Ferrari and G Podio, 'Development of therapeutic applications of Fleming's lysozyme' p 9 G Cavallo and G Pontieri, 'Studies on mechanism of bacteriolysis by lysozyme and chelating substances' p 10 J Leonis, 'The secondary structure of lysozyme' p 10 P Jolles, M Ledieu and Zuili, 'Comparative study of some lysozymes' p 11 G Gialdroni-Grassi, 'Methods of lysozyme administration and possibilities of modifying its absorption rate by parenteral route' p 12 J Jolles and P Jolles, 'Chemical structure of egg white lysozyme' p 12-13 D Babudieri Callerio, 'Appearance of granules in the cytoplasm of tumor-cell cultures in contact with lysozyme' p 14 C Callerio and S Bertani, 'The use of agar-microorganisms in paper electrophoresis of lysozyme' p 15 L Kanarek and P Godfrine, 'The problem of heterogeneity of lysozyme' p 15 L Ambrosio and V Mazza, 'Lysozyme and professional poisonings. Lysozyme of the serum and organs in CO poisoning' p 16 C Callerio, 'Observations on biological assay of lysozyme' p 17-18 C Vallecchi, 'Clinical observations on behaviour of blood lysozyme activity in carriers of neoplasias before and after ionizing therapy' p 18 M Parravicini and B Sabotto, 'Electrophoretic variations of serumproteins under treatment with lysozyme' p 19 W K McEwen, S J Kimura, M L Feeney and Jonah G Li, 'Lysozyme in tears and in leukemic leukocytes' p 19 G Litwack, 'Interaction of lysozyme and thyroid hormone in vitro' p 20 M Miglior and N F Orzalesi, 'The lysozyme activity of aqueous humor and serum and behaviour of serum proteins after endovenous injection of lysozyme' p 20 C Giacometti, 'Proceeding of the serum lysozyme activity in the course of treatment with ACTH and prednisolone in some dermatoses' pp 21-22 A Ottaviani, 'Electrophoretic researches on the lysozyme of both normal and pathological nose secretion' p 22 A Ottaviani, 'Electrophoretic researches on lysozyme in extracts of normal lymph glands and seats of tumpur - metastasis' p 23 M F Meldolesi, 'Lysozyme effects on phagocytosis' p 23 W Brumfitt, 'Alteration of bacterial sensitivity to lysozyme by simple chemical treatment' p 24 S Matracia and L Allegra, 'Modifications of experimental neoplastic growth induced by lysozyme' p 24 Del Camp and P L Fazzi, 'Relationships between lysoayme and humoral and cellular factors of natural immunity' p 25 D Shugar, 'Some physico - chemical studies on, and applications of lysozyme' p 25 Vincenzo Pipitone, Rodolfo Russo and Lina Dailly, 'Behaviour of lysozyme activity in serum of hyperazotemic subjects' p 26 Lars Josefsson, 'Changes in the lysozyme molecule during the formic acid treatment' p 26 Lars Josefsson, 'On the formic acid treatment of certain model substances' p 26 Vincenzo Pipitone, Rodolfo Russo and Lina Dailly, 'Lysozyme activity of serum in course of hemolytic experimental anaemia' p 27 P Sedati, R Marcolongo and M Aquilani, 'Behaviour of serum and leukocytes lysozyme activity in normal subjects and in nemopathic conditions' p 27 F Magrassi, 'Experimental bases of the application of lysozyme in virus infections' pp 30-31 F Orzalesi, M Miglior and G P Verdi, 'Lysozyme and herpetic virus - Virus inactivation in vitro with regard to the most recent findings of interaction virus/host cell and therapeutic applications of lysozyme in ophthalmology' p 31 E G Scolari, 'Lysozyme in treatment of viral skin diseases' p 32-34 P Sedati, R Capozzi and R Marcolongo, 'Observations on lysozyme administration for treatment of herpetic viral diseases' p 34 M Sannino, 'Action of lyophilized lysozyme by patenteral route on cutaneous and cutaneous-mucous viral diseases (Herpes Zoster, Herpes Simplex, VErrucae vulgaris, Verrucae planae juveniles, Condylomata acuminata, Stomatitis aphthosa and Aphthous fever)' p 35-36 P Sedati, C De Bac and R Capozzi, 'Serum and saliva lysozyme in some viral infections' p 36 E Leo, 'Lysozyme therapy in viral affections of the cornea' p 37 B Mussa, 'Lysozyme and vaccinia' p 38 G Callerio, 'Therapy of Herpes zoster by means of Fleming's lysozyme' p 39 C C Tinozzi, 'Use of lysozyme in some skin diseases' p 39 E Frugis, 'Clinical contribution to therapeutic treatment of viral skin diseases' p 40 L Galbiati, 'Treatment of herpetic keratitis by injecting lysozyme' p 41 C Gentilli and V Volterra, 'Experience in the use of lysozyme in the treatment of "a frigore" facial paralysis' p 41 G A Alfonso, 'Considerations on the course of some cases of herpetic keratitis treated with lysozyme' p 42 A Zanca and M Benatti, 'Action of lysozyme on the property of diffusion and on the reactivity of the skin' p 42 E Rottini and G Silvestri, 'Lysozyme in viral hepatitis' p 42 C Alice, 'Further research on the therapy of epidemic parotiditis by Fleming's lysozyme' p 43 F Rocchi, 'Lysozyme and aphthous herpetic stomatitis' p 43 G P Verdi and C Serra, 'Lysozyme and herpetic infection. Experimental researches in cultires of trypsinized cells' p 44 N Boncinelli, 'Clinical observations on use of lysozyme in some viral and not viral skin diseases' p 44 F Rocchi, 'Lysozyme in infectious diseases' p 46-47 A Baccaredda Boy and P Sertoli, 'Preliminary researches on the effects of lysozyme in the treatment of leprosy' p 48 C Hobart, 'Lysozyme in opthalmology has a remarkable action of arresting the growth, and destroying the bacteria by lysis' p 48 M Teti and D Patrono, 'Observations on lysozyme complexes and products of bacterial not specific lysis' p 49 M Teti and D Patrono, 'Observations on lysozyme complexes and mature phagus of E coli K 12 lambda plus' p 49 L H Muschel, W F Carey and L S Baron, 'The action of serum components including lysozyme on gram-negative organisms' p 50-51 C de Lollis, F Privitera and S Zola, 'Considerations on the employment of lysozyme in infectious pathology. Clinical contributions' p 51 V Giannini and G Cazzato, 'Influence of lysozyme on the rate of serum and cerebrospinal fluid agglutinins in rabbits vaccinated with salmonella typhi by intramuscular and subaracnoid injections' p 52-53 G C Mussa, 'Results obtained with lysozyme in the treatment of stomatitis from oidium-albicans' p 53 L Corbetta, 'The use of lysozyme for endobronchial treatment of bronchopulmonary suppurations' p 54 E Maggio, 'Lysozyme in treatment of chronic purulent otitis media and of consequences of tympanoplastic and radical surgery of the ear' p 54 C Alice, 'Further considerations on the therapy of asthma with Fleming's lysozyme' p 55 E A Brusca and A L Ardino, 'Modifications of biological effects of diphtheria toxin induced by lysozyme' p 56 P Sedati, C de Bac and R Capozzi, 'Behaviour of lysozyme activity in some bacterial diseases' p 56 F Ferina and M Pavone Macaluso, 'Morphological and biological alterations induced by lysozyme on corynebacterium diphteriae' p 57 P L Fazzi and L Della Stua, 'Action of lysozyme on candida albicans cells and respiration' p 57 R Bonora and B Casavecchia, 'Adjuvant therapy of senile chronic bronchitis with lysozyme' p 58 P sertoli and E Rampini, 'Researches in vitro upon the action of lysozyme on Candida albicans' p 58 R de Luca and P Caruso, 'Changes of serum lysozyme and properdin after electroshock' p 59 R de Luca, P Caruso and F Guzzetta, 'Influence of lysozyme on properdin serum levels' p 59 B Besta, 'Lysozyme and tuberculosis' p 62 Q N Myrvik, 'Lysozyme levels in the sera and lung extracts of rabbits undergoing granulomatous reactions induced by the BCG strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis' p 63 M Bracco, 'Interaction between lysozyme and components of Koch bacillus' p 64 E Rottini and G Silvestri, 'Variation of the lysozyme activity during antibiotic treatment of pulmonary Tb' p 64 G Leoncini, 'Lysozyme in the treatment of lung tuberculosis with a bronchoasthmatic component or a mixed bacterial bronchial component' p 65-66 G Cavallo, 'New observations on lysozyme activity on M tuberculosis' p 66 C Bazzicalupo,' Observations on the course of experimental tuberculosis in guinea-pigs treated with Fleming's lysozyme' p 67 G Gulotta and G Storniello, 'In vitro experimental investigations and observations at the electron microscope on the action of lysozyme on tubercle bacilli' p 68 G Storniello and G Gulotta, 'Morphology of local histogenous reaction in mice intraperitoneally infected with tubercle bacilli and treated with lysozyme' p 69 A Corbia, 'First results on the use of lysozyme in fistulae of osteoarticular tuberculosis' p 70 F Moncalvo and F A Paolini, 'Action of lysozyme on the catalasic activity of tubercular mycobacteria' p 71 P Introzzi and P de Nicola, 'Lysozyme and blood coagulation' p 74 R Turpini and G M Mazzetti, 'Antiheparin effect of lysozyme' p 75 F Rossi, 'Hemostasis in hemorrhages of parenchymatous organs, and particularly of liver, produced by local application of lysozyme' p 75 L Tropeano, 'Lysozyme activity of blood platelets' p 76 V Diomede-Fresa and D Fumarola, 'Experimental researches concerning influence of lysozyme on blood coagulation' p 77 M Cottafavi, 'Lysozyme influence on blood coagulation' p 77 M Cottafavi, 'Lysozyme and "clearing factor"' p 78 C Borello, 'Lysozyme influence on coagulation phenomena ofaqueous humor of second formation' p 78 A L Ardoino and S Avellone, 'Mode of action of lysozyme in the process of blood coagulation - Demonstration of diphasic, pro-coagulant and anticoagulant action of lysozyme and its interpretation' p 79 G Manai and F Mandelli, 'Therapeutic effect of lysozyme in hemophilia' p 79 A Vannini, 'Lysozyme influence on coagulation processes of pathologic aqueous humor' p 80 M Ravera, 'Thrombelastographic researches on the antiheparin action of lysozyme' p 80 C Curtarelli, G Cima and G Lolli, ' Interference of lysozyme in some stages of blood coagulation' p 81 M Ravera and M Biroli, 'The action of lysozyme in the cumarine hypoprothrombinemia: thrombelastographic researches' p 81 G Laurentaci, 'On lysozyme hemostatic action' p 82 M Gazzaniga, E Sabbadini and G Gentile, 'Action of lysozyme on wounds cicatrization' p 83 M Gazzaniga, E Sabbadini and G Gentile, 'Lysozyme on the tuft haemorrhages of the spleen and liver' p 83 E Schwarz-Tiene, 'Preliminary considerations of the role of lysozyme in pediatrics' p 86 A Ferlazzo, C Alosi and G Lombado, 'Lysozyme action on Lactobacillus bifidus' p 86 A Ferlazzo, G Bellomo, G Lombardo and F Muscolino, 'Fleming's lysozyme in pediatric physiopathology and therapy' pp 87-88 F Grandi and Baratella Bona, 'Fleming's lysozyme as a prophylactic treatment of general diseases and of troubles of nutrition in new borns' p 88 A Ferlazzo, G Bellomo and G Lombardo, 'Lysozyme and proteolytic power' p 89 P Cattaneo, 'Colostrum's and human milk's lysozyme as a bifidus factor' p 89 F Mule, 'Lysozyme in pediatrics' p 90 D Cirillo and V Rebeschini, 'Influence of lysozyme on the metabolic digesting work in the dietary regimen of infants' p 91 R de Luca and G Santangelo, 'Lysozyme action on hemocoagulant picture of newborn' p 91 F Sereni and L de Ritis, 'Influence of Fleming's lysozyme on nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus metabolic balances of dog puppies fed with cow milk' p 92 G Moreno, 'Lysozyme and suppurative pneumopathies in childhood' p 92 A Caiozzo, 'Lysozyme and gastrointestinal tract' p 94-95 Hugo Moeller, 'The role of lysozyme in gastro-intestinal disease' p 95 L Gallarate and G Bianchi, 'Lysozyme in patients affected by gastrointestinal diseases' p 96 F di Raimondo, M Ramunni and G Moretti, 'Influence of clinical and experimental nutrition on a natural antimicrobic factor, the serum lysozyme' p 97 E Testori, 'Lysozyme in chronic colitis of elders' p 98 M Campani and P Cortinovis, 'Lysozyme in surgery' p 100 E de Amicis, L Corbett and F Zibordi, 'Some practical applications of lysozyme in oto-rhino-laryngology (bronchial suppurations, treatment of surgical wounds, free grafts in auricular therapy, osseous grafts in plastics of naval pyramidm pharyngodynia of irradiated subjects, etc' pp 101-102 R Rossi, 'Lysozyme for local treatment of septic diseases or dystrophic wounds' p 103 L Gallarate, 'On healing activity of lysozyme in infected surgical lesions' p 103 A Ottaviani, 'On local influence of lysozyme in tonisllectomia' p 104 F Falcone and M Fincato, 'Topical use of lysozyme in surgery' p 104 B Mussa, 'Lysozyme and adenotonisllectomy' p 105 A Lietti, 'Quick preparation for surgical treatment in otorhinolaringology with lysozyme taken by os' p 105 G B Cottini and S D Randozzo, 'Action of Fleming's immunitary factor (lysozyme) in dermatology: personal contribution to local treatment of torpid ulcers of the lower limbs' p 106 O Hoffer and S Lazzerini, 'Lysozyme in stomatology' p 108 U Bifano and L Capozzi, 'Effect of a toothpaste containing lysozyme on certain germs of the oral cavity' p 109 E Tempestini, 'Lysozyme and paradentium' p 110 G Messina and B Romano, 'Influence of lysozyme on connective embryonal tissue of umbilical funicle' p 110 A Tamburo de Bella, 'Relationships between lysozyme and fibro-mucous paradental mesenchyme' p 111 C Guastamacchia and M Pignanelli, 'Action of lysozyme on the callus formation of the diabetic rat fractured mandible' p 111 C Guastamacchia and M Pignanelli, 'Observations on the callus formation of the diabetic rat mandible fracture' p 111 C Guastamacchia and M Pignanelli, 'Histochemical features of the fracture of the rat mandible, after treatment with lysozyme' p 112 E Piazzini, 'Clinical observations on lysozyme in treatment of parodontopathies' p 113 A Cardani and M Silla, 'Influence of lusozyme on callus formation in fractures of maxilla' p 114 M Silla, 'Hemostatic, antiphlogistic and cicatrizant action of lysozyme in oral surgery' p 114 Omero Tempestini, 'Opsonic power and salivary lysozyme in marginal paradentitis' p 115 P Masi, 'Salivary lysozyme in some pathological conditions of periodontium' p 115 G Armenio and D D Laforgia, 'First findings on association of lysozyme and cortisone derivatives for treatment of some oral diseases' p 116 M Massazza and F Polvani, 'Changes of serum lysozyme and properdin content in pregnancy and puerperium' pp 118-119 A Migliavacca, 'Lysozyme as defensive factor in obstetrics and gynaecology' p 119 G Vecchietti, 'Lysozyme and amniotic fluid' p 120 E Maurizio and G Prescetto, 'On the hemostatic mechanism of the lysozyme and on its indications in the gynaecological pathology' p 120 P Cattaneo, ' Lysozyme and amniotic infection' p 121 M Repetti, V Vallerino and G E Serra, 'Lysozyme action of cervicitis or cervix erosions' p 121 E Miraglia and P C Pozzi, 'Lysozyme identification in urine of pregnant women' p 122 G Erluison, 'Lysozyme action in vaginitis' p 122 G Suppi, 'Action of lysozyme on nipple fissures' p 123 L Stringa, 'Lysozyme power of blood serum and saliva in obstetric pathology' p 123 S Leonardo, 'Lysozyme activity in blood serum and saliva in obstetric pathology' p 124 V Zambotti, 'Lysozyme, mycopolysaccharides and mesenchyme' p 126 T Lucherini, C Cervini and A Ciocci, 'Lysozyme and rheumo-anthropathies' p 127 L Businco, L Setzu, E Buscino and V Geraci, 'The action of lysozyme on bronchial asthma' p 128 Vincenzo Ricci, 'Lysozyme of saliva and of nasal secretion in some collagen diseases, of otolaryngological interest' p 129 G Dolfini and F Peterlin, 'Lysozyme and senescence' p 130 D Angrisani and V Scala, 'Serum lysozymic level and epilectic seizure' p 130 D Angrisani, 'Lysozyme and cerebrospinal fluid' pp 131-132 C de Lollis, F Privitera and S Zola, 'Considerations on the use of lysozyme in some dysmetabolic diseases. Clinical contributions' p 132 S Lazzerini, 'Fibrillogenesis in granulation tissue of diabetic mice, treated with lysozyme' p 132 E Barbieri and S Lazzerini, 'Fibroplastic activity of granulation tissue after treatment with lysozyme' p 133 C Vallecchi, 'The possibillity of using lysozyme in the treatment of X-ray disease' p 133 E Barbieri, 'Evolution of fracture callus and homoplastic bone grafts in normal and diabetic mice, treated with lysozyme' p 134 P G Bianchi and G Lolli, 'Lysozyme and RX-sialoatrophy' p 134 A Zanca, M Benatti and E Braguzzi, 'Lysozyme in some viral dermatoses' p 134 M Sforza and C Mor, 'Lysozyme and mesenchyme: effect on the reticular histiocytary system, in relation with development of experimental tumours' p 135 M Gazzaniga, C Vassallo and G Gentile, 'Lysozyme in the recovering process of fractures (histological and histochemical researches)' p 135 F Ferina, 'Influence of lysozyme on allergic phenomena' p 136 |