Description | Sir John Vane and Professor Lajtha first met at Oxford and then worked together at Yale University. On his return to the UK, Professor Lajatha worked at the United Oxford Hospitals before becoming Director of Research at the Christie Hospital & Holt Radium Institute .The correspondence in this file shows that the men enjoyed a strong friendship, and that they and their families socialised regularly. The correspondence is of both a personal and a professional nature, including references to Professor Lajtha's children as well as discussions about their work, research and results. The correspondence in this file includes: an annotated table of results showing 'specific activities of DNA thymine and adenine from rabbit bone marrow 1 hour after an intervenous administration of 500 ue/kg formate 14c' (c 1955); two personal letters sent by Professor Lajtha from Yale University, after Sir John Vane had returned to the UK, including information about his baby son Christopher's development, and winding down their life in the USA (1955); three letters from Professor Lajtha to Sir John Vane concerning the Hungarian Uprising and the safety of his parents (November - December 1956); a letter from Professor Lajtha informing Sir John Vane of the birth of his son, Adrian, and their forthcoming rabbit experiments (September 1957); a letter from Professor Lajtha detailing the results of his recent experiments on adenine synthesis (October 1957); two letters from Professor Lajatha concerning proposed rabbit experiments on adenine activity and the subsequent achieved results (c October 1958); a letter from Professor Lajtha to Sir John Vane, urging him to seriously consider applying for the Chair of Pharmacology at Manchester University and appraising him of the situation there (May 1964); a letter from Professor Lajtha concerning problems with the production of material for 'studying various aspects of the humoral factor, erythropoietin', with a copy of Sir John Vane's response on the reverse (June 1964); two letters from Professor Lajtha to Sir John Vane, concerning his candidacy for membership of the Athenaeum (June - August 1974); several notes, memos and correspondence (including copied correspondence) concerning Professor Lajtha's cancer detection system (1977); and a copy of Sir John Vane's letter to Christopher Lajtha (Professor Lajtha's son), giving feedback on his thesis (July 1977). |