RefNo | LBC |
Level | Fonds |
Title | Letter Book of the Royal Society: copy |
Creator | The Royal Society |
Date | 1661-1740 |
Description | Transcribed from the original Letter Books which are themselves copies of the letters that make up the Early Letters series. Contain fair copies of letters received by the Society, the originals of which are in the Early Letters. Volumes 1-18 are letters of 1661-1727; within this group, Volume 11 has been extended into two volumes. Volume 17 was created in order to leave a gap in the series for retrospective copying of original papers. The succeeding volumes overlap in time, giving correspondence for the years 1720-1740. There are four supplementary copies, labelled A-B, B-C, D-G, G-H. |
Language | English |
Latin |
Italian |
French |
German |
Extent | 30 volumes |
PhysicalDescription | Leather bound volumes |
Arrangement | Volumes 1-18 cover 1661-1727; Volumes 19-26 cover 1720-1740; four supplementary volumes arranged alphabetically |
FindingAids | Name of author, recipient, date and location are indexed in archive card catalogue |
AccessStatus | Open |
AccessConditions | OPEN - but photocopying restricted. No microfilm available. |
RelatedMaterial | See Letter Book Original; General Subject Index to Journal, Register and Letter Books by Richard Waller |