Description | Read at the Society 1 July 1714 'The Royal Society of London having lately had a Letter of Dr Emanuel Timone FRS at Constantinople, communicated to them, concerning the procuring the Small pox by a sort of Insition or Inoculation , with a description of the method of the Operation and Success of the Distemper in the Patients so affected; were pleased to order me their Secretary to address a Letter to your Self, to desire the favour of sending us what Informations you may have happened to meet with concerning this matter, either at Smyrna or elsewhere. We understand this Practice was first brought to Constantinople about 40 or 50 years since by the Greeks and has been especially of late practised there with Success: It is needless to mention the Benefits of this Method if it answer the character given of it, wherefore Sir it is the Society's desire, that you please to send them the most exact and true account concerning this matter, as to the Method and success of the Operation, whether it answers the Relation we have had of it, that the patients have but a very few and that without scars or disfiguring the face and are certainly secured from ever catching the distemper again, tho' ever so much exposed to the hazard thereof. Sir any other matter relating to natural Philosophy Antiquitys or other Subjects which you shall judge proper to communicate to the Society will be taken as a favour by us, and a return made if desired of the like Informations from hence .... ' |