RefNo | LC/1946/17 |
Level | Item |
Title | Wills, Leonard Johnston |
Date | 14 November 1941 |
Description | Certificate of Candidate for Election to the Fellowship Suspended 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1945, 1946 Lapsed 1946 |
Citation | Wills, Leonard Johnston (Birmingham). Sc.D (Camb). Professor of Geology in the University of Birmingham. Formerly of H. M. Geological Survey and Fellow of King's College, CAmbridge. President Section C, British Association 1937. Distinguished for his researches on the Pleistocene history of the Severn and Dee Valleys ; the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of North Wales ; the Triassic and older rocks of the Midlands ; and the palaeontology of scorpions, ostracoderm fishes and labyrinthodonts. His book on 'The physiological evolution of Britain ' is a work of outstanding merit. Also author of 'Worcestershire' (Cambridge ounty Geographies) and (with C B Wedd and B Smith) 'The geology of the coutry round Wrexham '. |
Proposers | From Personal Knowledge: Proposer - E B Bailey; Seconder - Arthur Smith Woodward; W D Lang; Henry Woods; D M S Watson; Herbert L Hawkins; L F Spath; C E Tilney |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |