
TitleBahl, Karm Marayan
Date30 November 1942
DescriptionCertificate of Candidate for Election to the Fellowship
Suspended 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947
Lapsed 1947
CitationBahl, Karm Narayan (Lucknow).
Distinguished as a zoologist whose reserches on the structure, develoment and physiology of the nephridial excretoyr organs of the higher Oligochaeta have shed new light on their morphology, corected many errors in previous descriptions, and made conspicuous additions to our knowledge, in a series of remarkable contributions publilshed mostly in the 'Quarerly Journal of Microscopical Science ' since 1919. Of particular interest are his distinctions between exonephric and enteronephric systems, and his interpretation of the function of the latter as a device for the conservation of water in dry climates. His leadership has done much to encourage zoological research as a device for the conservation of water in dry climatesl His leadershhip has dome much to encourage zoological research and teaching in India. he has rendered great service to zoology, by the initiation and scholarly editing of a valuable series of monographs on selected types of the oriental faunas; eight have already appeared, the firs tweitten on 'Phaet
ProposersFrom Personal Knowledge: Proposer - E S Goodrich; Seconder - A C Hardy; G R de Beer; S S Bhatnagar
From General Knowledge; W T Kalman; Ja. P Hill; H Munro Fox; D M S Watson; Stanley Kemp
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