RefNo | MMB/5/1/134 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London; to Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe, Uganda |
Creator | Greenwood, Peter Humphrey (1927-1995); Ichthyologist |
Date | 12 February 1968 |
Description | Apologises for not writing sooner and acknowledging receipt of the H. wingatti specimens. He has been working on [Lake] Victoria Haplochromis. Material Greenwwod is collecting on Lake Edward fishes will be useful for comparison with Lake George. Discusses Greenwoods diurnal sampling, Dunn as done something similar on Haplochromis from the Malagarasi river. Discusses the decision to present a paper at 'the Israel symposium'. Discusses the 'wingatti' probem referring to the need for information on the type specimens from the Bahr-el-Gebel. |
Extent | 1p |
AccessStatus | Open |