Description | Correspondence and documents relating to James Gwahaba in the years after the IBP African Freshwater project at Lake George in Uganda ended. These relate to Gwahaba's health and medical needs. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence of: James Gwahaba, the Gwahaba family and Mary Burgis, Mary Burgis and medical doctors regarding James Gwahaba's health and rehabilitation, and letters to Mary Burgis' friends and colleagues regarding fundraising for medical costs.
Also included are: a paper James Gwahaba wrote in 1992 regarding malaria treatments and his thesis which was printed and advertised in 2003, five years after his death in 1998; paper by Gwahaba entitled 'Movements of Haplochromis (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake George, Uganda'; paper by Gwahaba entitled 'Effects of strong storms on fish in Lake George, Uganda'; paper by Gwahaba entitled 'The Biology of Orchid FIshes (Teleostei) in an equatorial Lake'. |
AdminHistory | James Gwahaba was a Ugandan member of the IBP African Freshwater team from 1971-1974. He worked on the Lake George project on fish population density and total biomass, and the effects of the fishery on tilapia populations for his MSc. After the Lake George project officially ended in 1974, Gwahaba completed his MSc and joined the Zoology Department at Makerere, working towards his PhD. In 1979 he suffered a stroke that left him paralysed. The James Fund was set up and organised by Mary Burgis to pay for medical treatments and basic needs like food and accomodation. Gwahaba continued to research and write scientific papers, working towards his PhD up until his death in 1998. |