RefNo | MS/859/2/31 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from R [Richard] Chevenix, Montjeron par Villeneuve St Georges, Department de Seine et Oise, France, to Charles Hatchett, 2 Cork Street, Piccadilly, London |
Creator | Chenevix; Richard (1774-1830); Irish chemist and mineralogist |
Recipient | Hatchett; Charles (1765-1847); British chemist |
Date | 6 February 1819 |
Description | Has seen a report in the English papers of the commission of which Hatchett is a member, on banknote forgery. Relates how he had an accident with a engraved plate for producing bookplates, the result of which was a forgery-proof effect. Explains that, for Hatchett's purposes, the process would be cheap and hard to imitate: 'the evil-minded, if they were to know the means employed, would not be one inch nearer the gallows'. It would be better used on steel than brass. Offers to get burgundy for Hatchett, since the price is so cheap at present and the wine superior to any since 1764. |
Extent | 4p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |