RefNo | MS/859/2/32 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Rich [Richard] Chevenix, Montjeron par Villeneuve St Georges, Department de Seine et Oise, France, to Charles Hatchett, No. 3 Clarges St., London |
Creator | Chenevix; Richard (1774-1830); Irish chemist and mineralogist |
Recipient | Hatchett; Charles (1765-1847); British chemist |
Date | 6 February 1820 |
Description | His friend the burgundy seller intends to bottle the wine for dispatch to England. Asks Hatchett for the names and addresses of persons for whom it is intended. The idea that wine should be bottled before the grape is in flower is universal in France but Chenevix considers it ridiculous. Refers Hatchett to his last article in the Edinburgh Review. He intends to write on the state of general primary education and will mention the state of the sciences, contrasting the Institute with the Royal Society. Describes himself as an 'antigallician Tory' and notes how the Edinburgh Review softens his indignation. Sends two paper samples [present]: one made from potato peelings, the other from luzerne. |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper, with two paper samples |
AccessStatus | Open |