RefNo | MS/859/2/7 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von] Crell, Helmstadt, to Charles Hatchett, Hammersmith |
Creator | Crell; Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von (1744-1816); German chemist |
Recipient | Hatchett; Charles (1765-1847); British chemist |
Date | 14 December 1801 |
Description | Thanking Hatchett for sending copies of papers to be used in his Annals. Asks if Hatchett would be willing to enter into a regular correspondence, to alert his countrymen on the latest discoveries from England. Crell would reciprocate with news of German researches. If Hatchett is unable to comply, he asks if another may be recommended, possibly Dr Garnett. Gives a brief account of Bucholz's experiments in charcoal expelling carbonic acid. Notes experiments on specimens from the cabinet of the Prince of Gallitzin and new mineral stones acquired in Portugal by Count Hofmansegg. |
Extent | 3p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |