Authorised form of name | Linnane; Anthony William (1930 - 2017) |
Dates | 1930 - 2017 |
Nationality | Australian |
Place of birth | Sydney, Australia |
Date of birth | 17/07/1930 |
Date of death | 11/11/2017 |
Activity | Education: Sydney Boys High School; University of Sydney, University of Wisconsin, USA. MSc; PhD; DSc Career: Postdoctoral Fellow, Unviersity of Wisconsin (1956-1958); Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney (1958-1962); Reader (1962-1965), Professor of Biochemistry (1965-1994), Monash University, Victoria; Visiting Professor, Unviersity of Wisconsin (1967-1968); Emeritus Professor (1996), Monash University, Victoria; Memberships: Australian Biochemistry Society (President 1974-1976)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 20/03/1980 |
Age at election | 49 |
Relationships | Son of W Linnane. Married: 1) dissolved; one son, one daughter; 2) (03 May 1980) Daryl Skurrie; one son, one daughter |
Source | Sources: WWA1998 |
Code | NA4069 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1980/24 | Linnane, Anthony William: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1976 |
IM/002768 | Linnane, Anthony William | 1985 |
IM/002767 | Linnane, Anthony William | nd |