Authorised form of name | Ward; John Clive (1924 - 2000) |
Dates | 1924 - 2000 |
Nationality | British |
Australian |
Place of birth | East Ham, Newham, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Date of birth | 01/08/1924 |
Place of death | Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, North and Central America |
Date of death | 06/05/2000 |
Occupation | Physicist |
Research field | Physics |
Solid state physics |
Nuclear physics |
Quantum electrodynamics |
Hydrogen bomb |
Activity | Education: Chalkwell Elementary School; Westcliff High School for Boys; Bishop Stortford College; Merton College, University of Oxford, BA in engineering science (1946), DPhil (1949) Career: Graduate assistant to Maurice Pryce, University of Oxford (1946); mathematics tutor, St Andrews College, University of Sydney(1947); Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Fellowship, University of Oxford (1948-1950); membership, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1951-1952, 1954-1955, 1960-1961); Bell Laboratories (1952-1953); Lectureship, University of Adelaide (1953-1954); Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston (1955); visiting professor, University of Maryland (1956-1957); University of Miami, Florida (1957-1958); Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1959); Johns Hopkins University (1961-1966); foundation Professor of physics, Macquarie University, Sydney (1967-1984); retired (1984) Medals/Awards: Guthrie Medal 1981; Dirac Medal 1981, Heineman Prize 1982 |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 18/03/1965 |
Age at election | 40 |
RSActivity | Medals and prizes: Hughes Medal 1983 |
Source | Sources: Wikipedia; Ward, J C, 'Memoirs of a Theoretical Physicist' in Optics Journal (USA), 30 July 2004 |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA4836 |
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