Authorised form of name | Bishop; George (1785 - 1861) |
Dates | 1785 - 1861 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Leicester, England |
Date of birth | 21 August 1785 |
Date of death | 14 June 1861 |
Occupation | Merchant |
Research field | Astronomy |
Activity | Career: Joined a wine merchant's business, London, later becoming the proprietor; studied mathematics; interest in science began when he joined the Royal Astronomical Society in 1830. He learnt algebra from Augustus De Morgan; built and equipped an observatory at South Villa, Regent's Park (1836); used experienced observers such as W R Dawes and John Russell Hind, discovered eleven asteroids between 1847-1854. Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society (1833-1939), Treasurer (1840-1857), and President (1857-1859). Freemason, initiated 11 December 1848, passed 12 March 1849 and raised 10 December 1849, St Alban's Lodge no 32, subsequently No 29 London. Memberships: FRAS (1830, President 1857 and 1858)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 09/06/1848 |
PublishedWorks | 'Astronomical Observations taken at he Observatory, South Villa, Regents Park, during the years 1839-1851'. 1852 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB Obituaries: Proc Roy Soc 1862-1863 vol 12 pp iii-iv Library and Museum of Freemasonry, 'Freemasons and the Royal Society: Alphabetical List of Fellows of the Royal Society who were Freemasons' 2010 |
Code | NA5551 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
IM/000386 | Bishop, George | nd |
EC/1848/03 | Bishop, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
HS/19/223 | Description of [George] Bishop's Observatory, South Villa, Regent's Park, by [John Russell Hind] | 1840s |
MS/957/27 | Letter from George Bishop, Secretary, Royal Astronomical Society, 57 Lincoln's Inn Fields, to Captain Henry Kater | 8 March 1833 |